Help with peptides

I've read that GHRP-6 can mildly effect prolactin. GHRP-2 has more of an effect, but it still stays within the normal range.

My guess: you'll probably be fine with GHRP-2. If you're really worried about it then get Ipamorelin, which has a negligible effect on prolactin but does not cause as much GH release as GHRP-2.

Yea I got Ipamorlin. Im gonna see how that works. If I dont see much Ill do the -2
Don't order so much of these shits at once bro! Most people don't have the means to store peptides properly without risk of severe potency degradation. 5 bottles should last like 3-4months!! Overkill IMO, order no more than 2 bottles at a time and get em as you go. Keeps em fresh and strong
Don't order so much of these shits at once bro! Most people don't have the means to store peptides properly without risk of severe potency degradation. 5 bottles should last like 3-4months!! Overkill IMO, order no more than 2 bottles at a time and get em as you go. Keeps em fresh and strong

CJC's and Mod GRF usually come with 2 mg per vial, I'm pretty sure because they degrade more quickly than GHRP's once reconstituted. Dosing at 100 mcg 2x/day, those 5 vials should last about 7 weeks. I assume they stay good for that long...

Good info, though, I was toying with the idea of stocking up in light of these cyber Monday sales but am now glad I didn't.
Don't order so much of these shits at once bro! Most people don't have the means to store peptides properly without risk of severe potency degradation. 5 bottles should last like 3-4months!! Overkill IMO, order no more than 2 bottles at a time and get em as you go. Keeps em fresh and strong

Good to know, thanks. I never thought of that. Correction though, I only bought 4 bottles. Would I not just be able to keep them in the fridge? Only reason I bought 4 was because I wanted to take advantage of the sale. I hope Osta gain is good...
I just got my stuff today.. I made two bottle earlier. Im going to start tom.. I put the other bottle in the fridge in its package.. So it would be wise to store them in the freezer if not being used. When two more are ready to be used, how long should I thaw them for?
I'm waiting for a reply on this from my primary knowledge source. However by my estimate, yes. Freezer store your unconstituted supplies. Once reconstituted, just keep it in the fridge out of light and disturbances
These are good resources you are posting.

I feel we need something more simplified for the casual researcher.

There is a certain guy who has a site and he explains them well in some threads but he is also very protective of anything he writes and won't allow it off of his site. He would put a hit on me if I were to pull a copy and paste job on his work lol

I know of an expert that I might be able to talk into helping put a manual of the more popular peptides together, with mixing, dosages, cycle lengths for the research animals., Something practical that anyone can easily understand.

A big reason more guys aren't taking advantage of peptides is simply because they don't understand them and how to use them effectively on their research subjects.

I stayed on the basics AAS and HGH for a long time and it's time I get with the times and include more peptides. They are cost effective and certain ones are nothing short of amazing in the changes they can produce to a hamsters body :)

How are you brother? I am new on the board , however one of my favorite things to research is peptides. Have been researching them for a long time and I am completely convinced that used at proper quantities and times great results can be achieved. It's very simple to learn how to use the 2 families of growth hormone releasing peptides, the GHRPs and the GHRHs, as well as the different SARMs. Looking forward to helping out on the board. God bless you . Minister.
I'm waiting for a reply on this from my primary knowledge source. However by my estimate, yes. Freezer store your unconstituted supplies. Once reconstituted, just keep it in the fridge out of light and disturbances

You are correct if you are talking about GHRPs or GHRHs, but others for example TB500(tymosin Beta 4) should be stored at room temperature before reconstitution. Blessings friend. Minister.
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I too was looking for a good place to learn about peptides, and as others have said, DatBTrue's site is the best place I have found.

From what I've seen on forums and such, the most common class of peptides is the growth hormone related peptides. To make it very simple, you want to use:
- Mod GRF @ 100 mcg
- GHRP-2 @ 100 mcg

Do this 2 or 3 times per day on an empty stomach and don't eat for 20-30 minutes afterwards. Common dosing times include morning upon waking, post-workout before drinking a shake/eating a meal, and right before bedtime. You may use GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin in place of GHRP-2, but I'll let you research the reasons for doing so if you are so inclined. I'm pretty sure these peptides do not downregulate or suppress anything, so you can run them for as long as you want (I think even indefinitely) and stop at any time. That said, I've heard that you'll want to run them for 3 months to see good results.

The next most common class is probably IGF related peptides, which I have not yet started to read up on...

How are you bro? Those are good doses and timing , you could go a bit higher. However you must keep in mind the GHRPs will impact cortisol and prolactin levels at some point and also that too high of a dose could desensitize the pituitary gland from GH pulsing. In my opinion 8 weeks is a good length of cycle , unless IGF LR3 or DEs is being used then 4 weeks is good before taking a break. God bless you. Minister.
Hi Minister and welcome to the site!

Some information threads for the guys wanting to learn about the products would be fantastic! It's nice to see you over here!

It's understood that the company folks can't do it for obvious reasons but the average member can :)
Hi Minister and welcome to the site!

Some information threads for the guys wanting to learn about the products would be fantastic! It's nice to see you over here!

It's understood that the company folks can't do it for obvious reasons but the average member can :)

Thanks a bunch brother,great to be here, looking forward to my stay here and help out as much as possible. A little surprised that more guys on this big board haven't used peptides, such a great addition to bodybuilding. God bless you. Minister.
Thanks a bunch brother,great to be here, looking forward to my stay here and help out as much as possible. A little surprised that more guys on this big board haven't used peptides, such a great addition to bodybuilding. God bless you. Minister.

Hey Minister!
Glad your here as well.
Alot of you postings over at the other have been a big help to me.
So much misinfo out there, that It would be nice to have a thread with accurate info, what certain peps do, and dosage for the peps...