Help with planning my cycle please


New member
I am 34 yrs old. 6'0 and 215lbs. I have been lifting 5 years. I have done a couple cycles previously but none in a couple years. I want to tell what i have a some people with more knowledge than myself help me plan it please. It will be 16 weeks.
Test Cyp @ 750mgs a week for 16 weeks is all I have set in stone.
I also have:
Anadrol 50mg x 50 pills
Proviron 25mg x 100 pills
Arimidex 1mg x 50 pills
Primo 200mg x 10ml
I have post cycle also. Again im not new to this and I know this isn't the ideal amount of primo at all. But this is what I have. I value any advice from people with more experience than myself. If this was what u had how would u run it? I plan on Primo @ 200mg a week for first 10 weeks. How would u implement the orals. Again. Any advice would be valued. Thx. Any questions I'll answer the best I can.
Make sure you use the arimidex start with .5mg e3d then adjust with blood work. As for the anadrol of you want just use it as a kick start the first 4-5 weeks dose would be 50-100mg a day. As for the primo it's not Going to do anything at 200mg a week. I would save that till you have more to use another time.
^^^^Good stuff, but he will need more adex if he decides to kickstart his cycle with drol. He will swell up like crazy. I would run the proviron throughout the cycle, but there is really not going to be much of a reason too. Maybe try 40 mg a day. The drol will be a great kicker and your strength will shoot up. I think you will need at least .5mg a day when running the drol and then after you drop it just scale back to keep estraidol in check. Don't even waste the primo like bigboss said. Cut the drol pills in half and take 25 mg twice a day. I would say that you are set for a good cycle. Too bad you don't have 3x the amount of primo, that shit is expensive and lots of it is fake lol
I have used anadrol before. And 50 mg's worked great. I used it at 100 mgs a day a side effects increased. I've found 100 mgs also greatly decreased my appetite.