Help with Super DMZ 2.0 Cycle Please!


New member
Hey guys first post on these forums. Was hoping to get some input on the cycle that I am about to run, just want to make sure I have all of my bases covered.

1) Black Stone Labs Super DMZ 2.0 -- 2,17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a androst-1-en-3-one (10mg per cap)
17 beta hydroxy2alpha, 17beta-dimethyl 5 alpha-androstan 3-one azine (10mg per cap)
running this stack for 30 days, 2 caps a day

2) Will be running with Mega Cycle Support by Primeval Labs:
2 caps twice a day, dosed at the same time as Super DMZ 2.0

3) Have a bottle of Adex from purchasepeptides . net, will be running it at .25mcg EOD, if problems occur will up to .50mcg ED

1) Liquid Nolva from purchase peptides as well as a half full bottle from evolution peptides
Running the nolva at: 40/40/20/20

2) Anabolic Matrix RX from Iron Mag Labs, starting at beginning of PCT, 2 caps a day

A few quick questions:
I have a bottle of eradicate from blackstone labs, this supp has:
-Androst 3,5-dien-7, 17-dione (25mg per)
which I understand is also the main ingredient in PES erase. What would be the best use for this? Use on top of Adex while on cycle or is that overkill? Comes with 90 caps and says 1-3 daily

Also have a bottle of letro and a bottle of prami, both from purchase peptides. Letro i am saving incase of gyno, but should prami be taken on cycle no matter what or just if gyno flares?
Already have slight gyno from past cycle, so thinking i should just start it with my cycle @ .25mg ED and continue through PCT, but need clarificatiion. I have half a bottle left of the topical Formastane as well.
Please provide input and let me know if I've got things right or what adjustments I should make. Was gonna post current pics of myself but website is being weird and I am on a chromebook. In pretty good shape, 21 years old 6'2" 190 right now but havent been eating as much as I should. I eat 5-7 meals a day and stick to strictly vegetables and complex carbs like sweet potatoes for my carbs, but try to stay away from them at night unless after a night workout. No dairy in my diet as well. Also supplementing MCT oil in my shakes.