Help with Test E Cycle / Bulk


New member
Hi guys,

I need some help with putting some serious size during my first cycle.. I am 4 weeks in now (Test E) and have only gained about 4lbs.. I have included below my cycle + assists, as well as my macro break down.

My Stats:

22 years old, 6'1, 190lbs at 10-12% bf - dedicated training for 4 years (need a boost bros!)


W 1-10 Test E 2 injects a week at 250mg/pin

W 1-10 Arimidex 0.5mg tab EOD

W 8-12 HCG 500iu every 3rd day


W 12-16 Clomid 100/100/50/50

W 12-16 Nolva 40/40/20/20

Macro breakdown

BMR: 1934.34 x 1.6 TEE (activity level-moderate) = 3095

To gain mass – 3714

Protein: 230 g

Fat: 111.6 g

Carbs: 558 g

OK, so if I still have you at this point, I have been hitting my Macros everyday and going above calorie bulk levels by about 1k a day.. usually hitting 4,200 cals a day with the above macro numbers (protein closer to 300gs). My sleep is fine, 8-9 hours every night and my training has been better.. Not where I thought it would be in terms of strength but stronger than natty lifts. Been in the gym 7 days a week (took out my usual 1-2 rest days since I started the cycle), pretty typically bodybuilding routine, trying to lift heavy in the 8-10 rep range.

I'm kind of freaking out that the gear isn't working for me.. Does it typically take a long time to build up? Thought I would have better results in 1 month.

Let me know if you can suggest trying anything different or if its normal to have these slower gains at the mid way point of my cycle.

Cheers, BCOURSE.
******* labs - and I don't want to rip into the lab yet, because I don't have any past experience with gear.
so im seeing a red flag here.. your macros and total calories do not add up..

with the macros you posted its 4151..

i'd like to see a detailed diet please
Here is an example day of diet:

Breakfast: quick oats 1.5 cups + 1 tbl spoon natural pb + 1 cup skimmed milk + 1/4 cup almonds + 1 scoop of isoflex whey

Lunch: half rotisserie chicken, 2 cups of mixed veg, 1 tbl spoon olive oil, 1 apple

2nd lunch: pan fried chicken breast, 1.5 cup of cooked white rice, 1 cup of green beans

pre workout: 4 rice cakes

Dinner: 1 fillet white fish, 1.5 cups of cooked white rice

2nd dinner: pan fried chicken breast, 1 sweet potato, 1 cup of veg

at this point im pretty close to 4,000 cals, 100 gs fat, 450 gs carbs and 300 grams of protein.

If I need more to hit on carbs, I usually have organic cereal with skimmed milk, boosting up another 60-70 grams of carbs..

I feel as though my diet is very good, a few tweaks I could make but considering working full time, I'm quite happy with it.

What do you think?? Thanks for looking at this for me.
im reading about 300-350g carbs here (just off the top of my head best guess).. what are you using to track all this..
My fitness pal (phone app) - it has all the food that I eat and the breakdowns that , and I've calculated my macros from Emma-Leighs 'counting calories & macros' thread on bodybuilding. It's more like 400 gs that you counted but I always look back at the end of the day and if I'm missing anything I just eat what I need to reach those levels. I really don't think nutrition is my problem at this point. It's something I have just recently taken very serious. And taking that into act plus the fact I'm on gear... I don't get why my gains aren't astronomical... Do I need to increase my macro + cal #s even more than this if I'm not experiencing a good bulk?
i'd have to agree.. even with the macros i counted off the top of my head you should be seeing results..

can you get bloodwork done?
i now know why that word is censored on this site... they usually do that to protect members.. you should get bloodwork done to see if the gear is bunk