Help with TestE Cycle First Timer


New member
Hey Everyone! My first post here. I've been reading a lot about AS use for a while and am getting ready to try my first cycle. I've read a lot and just when I think I understand, I read something that contradicts what I've read somewhere else.

I'm 43 years old. 5'10' approx. 200 lbs.
Not sure of my % body fat.... I've got a little bit of a belly, but I'm not fat..

I've been bodybuilding for about 2 years now with disappointing little gains... I've tried switching up everything... Going heavy, low reps, lighter with higher reps, muscle confusion, etc. and am tired of all the young punks putting muscle on like crazy... I feel like I'm busting my a** and should be seeing a lot more gains! Diet is good, and I eat lots of protein powder... Even tried test-freak back around XMas (Waste of money IMO).. So I think I'm ready to give my first cycle a go. I've got high blood pressure, but it's kept in check with prescription adalat.

From all my reading, I think I want to go with Testosterone-Ethanate. I'm thinking a 10 week cycle of 250 every 4 days....

Now with the post cycle therapy (pct) is where I'm mostly confused...

I don't want bitch tits... I see some people say to take Novaldex right from the start (like 20mg ED).. Others say wait til 2 weeks after the cycle. Some people take it from Day 1 right through to post cycle therapy (pct)? I'm confused?? What is the correct way to go? Also I see some people suggest Novalex during cycle, then switch to Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct)?

I also read about people with itchy nipples? If this pops up I want to be able to fix that... Or if I retain too much water...

I want to make sure I order everything I need right from the start incase something pops up and I need something I don't have..
Can someone recommend exactly what I should have on hand before I give this a shot! Pls. keep in mind my blood pressure if one product might be better than another.

My apologies if this has already been answered. Thanks for any help anyone can provide an old guy
Hey there

I know what you mean with the confusion lol I went through the same. Most of the experienced will more than likely reply here but let me give you an idea.

I am new as well and will be doing a test E cycle as well.

First thing you said you eat allot of protein powder... Avoid that try get in solid foods it's better quality calories. In regards to Diet check out 3J he apparently is the shit when it comes to diet!

You gonna need to seriously watch your blood pressure and keep that in check because you have a condition already.

Test e you should generally use 250mg twice a week so in total 500mg per week as a first timer. The more experienced will correct me here if I am wrong.

Along with your test e cycle which is generally 12 weeks you should use proviron and arimidex. The proviron will help with water retention and keep libido up along with suppressing some estrogen.

The arimidex is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and will help prevent sides that estrogen can cause such as female tissue development.

Use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well at around 250iu twice per week during cycle this will keep your nuts awake from complete shut down and helps with recovery on PCT.

Get some letrozole as well and keep on hand just incase you get gyno side effects.

Test E is a long ester so you will generally start PCT 2 weeks after your last test shot using Nolvadex,clomid and HCG.
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Do not PCT with HCG
Keep it simple
Test E 500mg 12 week mon and thur 250 mg each inj
Keep an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand, @ 500mg week you wont need much
I prefer Aromasin 12.5mg every day
PCT - start 2 weeks after last shot
Clomid 50mg every day 4 weeks
Novla 40mg ed 2 weeks 20 mg ed 2week

Keep a close eye on the BP drink lots of water
take an aspirin and lots of fish oil each day
At your age you may want to look at Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) check out Chip

For the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) two thoughts if it concerns you, it will keep you LH level (Keeps your nuts from shrinking)up and make PCT a little easier
Some run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) through the whole cycle some only run last few weeks
250iu twice a week stop 5 days prior to starting your PCT