

New member
i dont know what it is but one of my arm pits is swollen and it hurts.the back of my neck hurts too. my mom says it is my limphnoids and they are swollen, but has anyone else heard of this and what can be done

all im taking right now is 4 tabs of spirulina,300 mgs of ala,protien,creatine,glutamine,was doing 1000mgs of tribulus.

i think it is to much of spirulina and the ala combined,not taken at the same tijme,but still in my system.

thanks for the help...
Perhaps the tribulus and spirulina(whatever that is) are doing it. The other things would not. Stop use if it continues see the doc.
dito said:
Perhaps the tribulus and spirulina(whatever that is) are doing it. The other things would not. Stop use if it continues see the doc.
spirulina nourished people in Africa and America for centuries, scientists rediscovered its benefits only in this lifetime. This microalgae is 60% all-vegetable protein, rich in beta carotene, iron, vitamin B-12 and the rare essential fatty acid, GLA. It offers a striking profile of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrents. .

how could you tell someone tribulus and spirulina is the peoblem if you dont know what it is?:rolleyes: :confused:
Nat how old are you? and are you female? because lymphnoid has something to do with breast cancer.....doesnt it?
there are docs on this board that can help you out with this question.....good luck
i know some, but im freaking okay, i woke up yesterday morning and my left arm pit was hurting and swollen and also the back of my neck was kinda swollen too,i didnt think too much of it,cause i worked out hard,cause the gym is closed for 2 days,so i thought i just pulled something,but then my mom who is 2nd year becoming a rn,thought it might be the limphs,but i was like what?anyways,i just want it gone,i just wanted to tell somebody my problem and to tell them what i am on also,i dont think it is the supps, but you never know?the above post tells what i am taking, i just thought it could be the ala,and spirulina?i just started taking ala.
its a lump under my armpit about the size of a toonie,and the side of the back of my neck is sorta swollen too,what could it be....

thanks for the help..
JRfromTN said:
spirulina nourished people in Africa and America for centuries, scientists rediscovered its benefits only in this lifetime. This microalgae is 60% all-vegetable protein, rich in beta carotene, iron, vitamin B-12 and the rare essential fatty acid, GLA. It offers a striking profile of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrents. .

how could you tell someone tribulus and spirulina is the peoblem if you dont know what it is?:rolleyes: :confused:

Ah you are right. Nothing he is taking is the cause. I didnt have time to look it up.