hepl with diet


New member
vit c ed
multi vit ed

meal 1: 9am
protein shake(whey 33gm)
brown bread 300gm

meal 2: 11am
6 eggs

meal 3: 1pm
1 vegitable + brown bread 300gm + rice 1 bowl+ 6 eggs or 200gm chicken

meal 4: 6:30pm
protein shake(whey 33gm)

meal 5: 8:30pm
protein shake(whey 33gm)

meal 6: 9pm
1 vegitable + brown bread 300gm + 6 eggs or 200gm chicken

workout 7:30 pm to 8m 3 sets of 10 rep of each
Monday: Chest & Triceps
flat bench press
inclind dumbell press
flat flyes
tricep push down
laying tricep
dips/double bar

tuesday off

Wednesday: Shoulders & Legs
miltray press
Upright Barbell Row
Side Lateral Raise
Rear Delt Raise
Barbell Squat
inclind legg press
Calf Raises

thursday off

Friday: Back & Biceps
pull up's
Stiff-Legged Deadlift
Lat Pulldowns
Seated Cable Rows
Barbell Curls
Preacher Curls
Dumbbell Curls

Saturday: Cardio Interval Running (20 Minutes)

sunday off
please suggest changes if required
Whats up buddy, your diet dosnt look that that bad, just needs some fine tuning. As far as your work out routine goes what are you trying to achieve? I think 30min a day is not enough and you might be rushing through your workouts.

Back to the diet, I think id take out some protein shakes and eat more food. And one big thing too i noticed you dont eat before the gym? Try downing a cup of oatmeal w/some non-fat milk before the gym so you can have some carbs to kick start your morning/workouts.

Also your last meal you want to make sure you get some slow digesting proteins in. So your body has enough protein to use while you sleep and recover from your days workout. Other than that Id say do a search on foods so you dont get tired of eating the same things over n over.

happy lifting mate!
Diet and exercise are proven to help people shed pounds, but some say such efforts can be so difficult that drugs or other options like surgery are needed.