Here is my present diet...


Bob died for our sins
Ok started back in training after an 18 month layoff inApril.

Started at 210lbs and presently I average 225lbs and have taken 5 inches off my waist. Got about 5 more to go but I am taking this off slowly

In all fairness I did use in the past (over 2 years ago the last time) and have always been at a heavier bodyweuight all my life.

here is how I am eating right now to continue adding mass and slowly take off the excess fat at the same time. basically this is not a cutting nor a bulking diet but right in the middle so to speak with calories and macro nutrients.

The goal is to keep around the same bodyweight while bringing up muscle size ie lose fat and build muscle at the same time, something that may seem impossible to some of you but if you look beyond that and notice what I said above it makes more sense with muscle memory etc still in effect.

Just thought this would be of interest for some of you to see as my diet may be similar or different to some.

here we go

Meal 1:
4 egg white, 2 whole eggs
3 serving cereal(typically oat bran, cream of wheat, oats or shredd wheat biscuits)

Meal 2
can of tuna
1 1/2 cups rice(brown or other), or 2 mediaum potatoes
1/2-1cup mixed veggies
1 tablespoon olive oil

meal 3:
6 oz lean meat, fish, or poultry
1 1/2 cups rice or 2 medium potatoes
1/2 - 1 cup mixed veggies

meal 4;
1 scoop whey
3 servings of ceral(same bs as above)

meal 5:
6 oz lean meat, fish or poultry
1 1/2 cups rice or 2 potatoes
1/2 - 1 cup veggies

meal 6.
1 scoop whey
bag of rice chips or 3 rice cakes( I love the chedder ones)
2 pieces of fruit( apples or oranges

I train 5 days a week average and presently follow a training routine similar to needsizes 5x5 with some slight variations. cardio typically is 1-2 times a day for 20-30 minutes per session altho I have taken 2 week off cardio for the hell of it.

I live next door to my gym and am single so I have the above options.

I try to drink around 4 literes of water a day apart from coffees diet sodas etc and just so you dont think the above is bland I do use sweetenwers and condiments on the food.

I eat for function and general health and well being first, and everything else follows

Incidentally my younger brother who is 13 years younger is training with me(minus the cardio) and his diet is way different and more fun as he has started a mass diet. Wish I had this kid's structure(different mothers).
Lol..I eat more than that before noon each day! For what your trying to do it looks good though. Good luck with the training!
My suggestions:

Meal 1 - Increase the protein. Try 10 egg whites + your cereal

Meal 4 & 6, I would mix 2 or 3 scoops of whey, not just one.

Milhouse, if you are trying to cut back on fat maybe you should think about a carb cutoff (say, 6:00pm). After the carb cut off, you only eat protein and good fats.

Try adding some green tea into the mix. I like to add 6 green tea bag2 with 1/2 gallon of water. Add a little bit of sweetener and lemon and it doesn't taste too bad. It's good for boosting the metabolism and is also a great antioxidant.


Any gear?

Any other supplemets (other than the whey you mentioned?)
Milhouse said:
I eat for function and general health and well being first, and everything else follows.

Not to be rude, but if this is your goal then you have a very poor diet.

Check out my "Basic diet planning" thread here on the diet forum. First you need to determine what metabolic type you are, then you need to adjust your food selections accordingly.

A healthy diet is nutrient-dense and natural foods, one thing that your diet is the opposite of.

The fundamentals of a good diet are healthy animal products, like whole organic eggs (egg whites contain very little nutrition), wild non-lean fish, cod liver oil, liver, bone broths, oysters, and other shellfish. Always eating low fat is not good for ANY metabolic type, as every single person on this planet requires fat soluable vitamins. Most fat should come from animal sources.

Next is healthy plant products. Most should come from vegetables. This means lots of green veggies, and more yams, beets, etc if you're more of a carb type. Cereals and rice cakes are junk. Long grain brown rice is ok if you're a carb type or bulking. Use nuts, seeds, grains (rice is ok), and legumes in moderation. These should all be soaked before consuming to neutralize the phytic acid content. This is why baked beans made from soaked beans should not cause gas, while improperly prepared beans can cause lots of gas.

Cut out the diet sodas, only drink filtered water, and avoid sweeteners, especially artificial sweeteners. Stevia is ok to use. Use green tea instead of coffee.
Re: Re: Here is my present diet...

Frosty said:
Not to be rude, but if this is your goal then you have a very poor diet.

Check out my "Basic diet planning" thread here on the diet forum. First you need to determine what metabolic type you are, then you need to adjust your food selections accordingly.

A healthy diet is nutrient-dense and natural foods, one thing that your diet is the opposite of.

The fundamentals of a good diet are healthy animal products, like whole organic eggs (egg whites contain very little nutrition), wild non-lean fish, cod liver oil, liver, bone broths, oysters, and other shellfish. Always eating low fat is not good for ANY metabolic type, as every single person on this planet requires fat soluable vitamins. Most fat should come from animal sources.

Next is healthy plant products. Most should come from vegetables. This means lots of green veggies, and more yams, beets, etc if you're more of a carb type. Cereals and rice cakes are junk. Long grain brown rice is ok if you're a carb type or bulking. Use nuts, seeds, grains (rice is ok), and legumes in moderation. These should all be soaked before consuming to neutralize the phytic acid content. This is why baked beans made from soaked beans should not cause gas, while improperly prepared beans can cause lots of gas.

Cut out the diet sodas, only drink filtered water, and avoid sweeteners, especially artificial sweeteners. Stevia is ok to use. Use green tea instead of coffee.

I respect your comments but I am not into that kind of healthy. Alot of the above is great if you are into that but thats not for me. personally to me and I mean no disrespect but alot of the above stuff is kind of a fad right now. I put it in the same category as Atkins and the zone.

How do you figure my diet is not nutrient dense. Most of the stuff regarding sweeteners is nonsenssical and if I beleived every study that came out one week I would have to eat a food to avoid cancer then stop it a week later because another study would come out saying I can get cancer. I have seen enough over the years to know that everything flip flops with time.

Personally I feel great on the above diet have tons of energy.

As far as whole grains etc I enjoy them and function well off them. I dont drink diet soda like its going out of styleand I love my coffee lol

Anyways I respect the comments here and look forward to more but I was giving an example of what I eat.

PS I have been around the whole scene on and off since I was 14 and know that what works for one person will not work for another.
Easto said:
My suggestions:

Meal 1 - Increase the protein. Try 10 egg whites + your cereal

Meal 4 & 6, I would mix 2 or 3 scoops of whey, not just one.

Milhouse, if you are trying to cut back on fat maybe you should think about a carb cutoff (say, 6:00pm). After the carb cut off, you only eat protein and good fats.

Try adding some green tea into the mix. I like to add 6 green tea bag2 with 1/2 gallon of water. Add a little bit of sweetener and lemon and it doesn't taste too bad. It's good for boosting the metabolism and is also a great antioxidant.


Any gear?

Any other supplemets (other than the whey you mentioned?)

I dont find more protein to be of benefit at this time to be honest. I am taking advanatage of muscle meory and keeping the food intake at a medium level and seem to have to raise it higher each week compared to when I started back in mid april. which as my calories go up so will the protein intake which believe it or not was actually even lower back i april.

I will look into trying the green tea suggestion

No gear, not anymore at this point, dont need it right now and we have drug testing at work and I will be the one(due to my past) tested thru the yin yang lol, trust me. Plus I am on probation until November 2006 so even with the gray area legalities of gear I really dont want to take any chances at this point of time

I take a multi yes, plus extra c, e and take some magnesium and zinc as well.

i will be throwing some creatine back in the mix as well.
Re: Re: Re: Here is my present diet...

Milhouse said:
I respect your comments but I am not into that kind of healthy. Alot of the above is great if you are into that but thats not for me. personally to me and I mean no disrespect but alot of the above stuff is kind of a fad right now. I put it in the same category as Atkins and the zone.

How do you figure my diet is not nutrient dense. Most of the stuff regarding sweeteners is nonsenssical and if I beleived every study that came out one week I would have to eat a food to avoid cancer then stop it a week later because another study would come out saying I can get cancer. I have seen enough over the years to know that everything flip flops with time.

Personally I feel great on the above diet have tons of energy.

As far as whole grains etc I enjoy them and function well off them. I dont drink diet soda like its going out of styleand I love my coffee lol

Anyways I respect the comments here and look forward to more but I was giving an example of what I eat.

PS I have been around the whole scene on and off since I was 14 and know that what works for one person will not work for another.

You said your main goal was to be healthy, and that I what I based my recommendations on. It is not a "fad", but based on human evolution, each peron's individual metabolic type, requirements of nutrients based for above-average weight atheletes, and the burden on the body in today's environment.

How do I know your diet is not nutrient dense? Easy - egg whites, lean meats, cereals, and rice patties do not contain a lot of nutrients. Go to and put in your diet. I assure you that you are deficient in nutrients based on the RDA, which is for sedentary 160 lb adult males.

Eating natural foods is not a "fad" by any stretch of the imagination. You simply cannot get around the body's need for fat soluable vitamins or any other nutrient, as well as essential fats found in animal products. Artificial sweeteners are just that - artificial, and have not been around long enough for us to truely assess them in terms of health. On the other hand, an herbal sweetener such as stevia has been around for quite a long time.

My recommendations WILL work for everyone, because I'm not recommending the same thing for everyone! I'm recommending that people find the proper ratios for their metabolic type and make healthy food selections to fit those ratios.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Here is my present diet...

Frosty said:
You said your main goal was to be healthy, and that I what I based my recommendations on. It is not a "fad", but based on human evolution, each peron's individual metabolic type, requirements of nutrients based for above-average weight atheletes, and the burden on the body in today's environment.

How do I know your diet is not nutrient dense? Easy - egg whites, lean meats, cereals, and rice patties do not contain a lot of nutrients. Go to and put in your diet. I assure you that you are deficient in nutrients based on the RDA, which is for sedentary 160 lb adult males.

Eating natural foods is not a "fad" by any stretch of the imagination. You simply cannot get around the body's need for fat soluable vitamins or any other nutrient, as well as essential fats found in animal products. Artificial sweeteners are just that - artificial, and have not been around long enough for us to truely assess them in terms of health. On the other hand, an herbal sweetener such as stevia has been around for quite a long time.

My recommendations WILL work for everyone, because I'm not recommending the same thing for everyone! I'm recommending that people find the proper ratios for their metabolic type and make healthy food selections to fit those ratios.

Ok lets nip this one in the bud right now.

First I did not ask for your expertise, I posted what I eat which you are more then welcome to criticize. I have no problem but get off the "I am an expert and you are all wrong I am right but I am only trying to help. I am sure you are sincere in trying to help but your writing has a "Fonz/ nelson montana" sense of elitism to it which turns people off. I am just saying what others are probably too afraid to say

Second I have checkedout those other threads and saw your example diet and ok your diet(a gallon of raw milk a day I recall) isnt exactly the most healthy thing for everyone. Maybe it works for you but I know for a fact it does not for me

Third just because you read Dr Di pasquale's book and treat it like dogma does not mean it applies to the rest of us. If it works for you great, and if you like to make suggestions great. I have my opinions on those books and diets and well lets just say its a fad and leave it at that. Basically everything has gone full circle with eating plans and most likely 2 years from now everyone will be eating med car, med protein or hi protein/low fat or hi carb/low protein or whatever some ambitious author or the guru of the month comes up with at that time.

lastly I find your rigid stance on natural food admirable but kind of funny as well considering you are posting on a board where the majority are talking about how many mg of gear to shoot in our asses, never mind other substances people are trying out. Nothing wrong with that at all as we should eat healthy but my eating is set up for me and how I feel, not how frosty feels.

And before anyone jumps in and slams me because I insulted your new god let me just say this. He has opinion and I have mine.

Maybe having all this stuff shoved down thier throats is one of the reasons nobody hardly posts in this forum.

I welcome your comments frosty but dont talk down to me because you believe my eating is deficient. You just continue eating your gallon of milk and whole eggs , natural bacon , 5 lbs of beef a day, chicken with skin on it and enjoy being 200lbs and healthy. I will stick to my eggwhites, oat bran, brown rice, potatoes, chicken breast, lean beef, tuna , salmon, turkey, fruits, beans and vegtables and oh yeah rice cakes and if I am lucky maybe I will feel more energetic and healthy, Oh yeah thats exactly how I feel now.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Here is my present diet...

Milhouse said:
And before anyone jumps in and slams me because I insulted your new god let me just say this. He has opinion and I have mine.

That's just it. You gave your opinion, and that's it. I actually back up what I suggest. If you don't care to, then fine. That makes everything you said your opinion and nothing more.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Here is my present diet...

Frosty said:
That's just it. You gave your opinion, and that's it. I actually back up what I suggest. If you don't care to, then fine. That makes everything you said your opinion and nothing more.

I dont need to back anything up other then the fact that it works for me thats it thats all. Its not like I am field testing whether smoking crack is addictive or not here, I am stating what I eat because my body like it and if that changes in the future then I adjust

No fucking cut and paste abstract studies done on homosexual monkeys from some fucking white coats who dont even know what a dumbell is.

I love how you claim to back up your stuff yet all I see are a bunch of cut and pastes and oh wait for it your evidence because it works for you, just like what I am doing works for me.

maybe every bodybuilder and hell every person out there should stop what they are doing that works for them right now whether for physical or health gains and change to your ways because you read a book called Metabolic Nutrition and it is the only opinion that counts. your probably the same type that follows everything poliquin or TC at Tmag says as well because they quote some references.

Look I am not into cut and pasting but I can tell you right now that for every study you paste there are 10 out there right now that contrdict it and vice versa.

And before you get back on your high horse I suggest you prepare your cut and pastes when some of the real world diet experts decide to call you on your bullshit.

I am certain that if some of these experts you worship so much come out and tell you smoking is good for health and muscle you will be the first in line to buy a carton of marlboro

Lesson is this: dont assume just because something is right for you that it isnt for something else.

Dont you have a pound of beef to fry in butter or lard right about now?

Boy that sounds real healthy
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Here is my present diet...

Don't look now! Your ignorance is showing!

How could I possibly recommend the same thing when I recommend the Metabolic Diet? So if a person does well on 60% carbs and another does well on 5% carbs, that's recommending the same thing? Since I drink raw milk that means everyone can and should? I don't think so. I don't know where you came up with this "if it works for me it must work for you" thing. I recommend people find the proper ratios and select healthy foods along the way. You for some reason think that is a "fad" and is somehow incorrect and is recommending the same thing for everyone.

The body's requirements for nutrients IS something that applies to everyone. Different people will require different amounts and optimum ratios can be different, but they still need the nutrients. I guess you think this is BS, too? Do you really need a study to back up the notion that the body requires nutrients to be healthy and function optimally?

And if a person has found ratios that work very well then I'm not saying don't do it. If you notice, my basic diet planning is for beginners giving them a place to start off, then they experiment based on their experience and what their body needs to find the proper ratios. All the while recommending healthy food choices. Replacing cereal with a healthier carb is merely making a healthy substitution.

There are tons of people that make tremendous gains and feel good while eating junk food. That does not make it healthy! For some reason you have a "feeling" or something that your diet is healthy because you "feel good" on it. Yet you totally ignore the fact that the body requires nutrients to be totally healthy. These are the very basics of nutrition here!

Milhouse said:
Lesson is this: dont assume just because something is right for you that it isnt for something else.

Dont you have a pound of beef to fry in butter or lard right about now?

Boy that sounds real healthy

Do you realize the hypocrisy of what you said here?
Here's substantiation of my claims.

I calculated your diet, and here are the results:

-Vitamin A: 16% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin D: 26% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin K: 10% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin C: 73% of RDA (deficient)

-Folate: 85% of RDA (deficient)

-Zinc: 95% of RDA (mildy deficient)

-Calcium 74% of RDA (deficient)

A total of approximately 45g of fat for a whopping 13% of calories. Low in saturated fat (10g).

Now of course, the RDA is based on the average (160 lb male) sedentary individual. Of course you know that bigger guys need more and athletes need even more. You don't even meet the RDA.

I also do not really see a source of EFAs. The fish would be a source, but you said lean fish, and I don't really know how often you eat it.

You call this healthy?

** please note that I did my best to approximate amounts given, so it's not going to be 100% accurate.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Here is my present diet...

Frosty said:
Don't look now! Your ignorance is showing!

How could I possibly recommend the same thing when I recommend the Metabolic Diet? So if a person does well on 60% carbs and another does well on 5% carbs, that's recommending the same thing? Since I drink raw milk that means everyone can and should? I don't think so. I don't know where you came up with this "if it works for me it must work for you" thing. I recommend people find the proper ratios and select healthy foods along the way. You for some reason think that is a "fad" and is somehow incorrect and is recommending the same thing for everyone.

The body's requirements for nutrients IS something that applies to everyone. Different people will require different amounts and optimum ratios can be different, but they still need the nutrients. I guess you think this is BS, too? Do you really need a study to back up the notion that the body requires nutrients to be healthy and function optimally?

And if a person has found ratios that work very well then I'm not saying don't do it. If you notice, my basic diet planning is for beginners giving them a place to start off, then they experiment based on their experience and what their body needs to find the proper ratios. All the while recommending healthy food choices. Replacing cereal with a healthier carb is merely making a healthy substitution.

There are tons of people that make tremendous gains and feel good while eating junk food. That does not make it healthy! For some reason you have a "feeling" or something that your diet is healthy because you "feel good" on it. Yet you totally ignore the fact that the body requires nutrients to be totally healthy. These are the very basics of nutrition here!

Do you realize the hypocrisy of what you said here?

The real question is do I care about your opinion Frosty? Or is that Dr Frosty MD?

Why dont you just continue to belittle newbies with your esteemed knowledge. At least they are too green to debate with your mindless know it all ramblings.

Sorry but you far from reccomend things to people, you actually spend more time belittling peoples food choices as unhealthy or stupid because in your opinion bla bla bla.

And before you spout off something like "gee i was only trying to help and you slam me" well remember I didnt ask for your help. I would take diet advise from a banned member like BO$ before I take advice from some highly opinionated dude with no credentials other then the fact that he read 1 or 2 books and likes to cut and past while posting big words and pointing out people where they are wrong in what they are saying.

Anyways this section is not the area I wish to get into insulting others with far superior intelligence then mine so I will let you posts your esteemed knowlegde you can waste your time trying to convince me I am wrong while I digest those egg whites and oats I had for breakfast.

And with that I will stop the insults as well

Or at least try
Frosty said:
Here's substantiation of my claims.

I calculated your diet, and here are the results:

-Vitamin A: 16% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin D: 26% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin K: 10% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin C: 73% of RDA (deficient)

-Folate: 85% of RDA (deficient)

-Zinc: 95% of RDA (mildy deficient)

-Calcium 74% of RDA (deficient)

I hate to jump in the middle here.........not !!

.....but a good multi-vitamin would solve the above.
StoneColdNTO said:
I hate to jump in the middle here.........not !!

.....but a good multi-vitamin would solve the above.

That would make a vitamin a staple rather than a supplement. Not to mention vitamins are generally a poor source of calcium, and generally use beta-carotene as "vitamin A" when it is not.

Is it possible for a pill to sustain life for generations? I'd be interested to know if you could feed a person refined fiber, refined flour, refined protein powder, and refined oil, and give them a vitamin to make up for the lack of nutrients and have that sustain life over generations.
Frosty said:
Here's substantiation of my claims.

I calculated your diet, and here are the results:

-Vitamin A: 16% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin D: 26% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin K: 10% of RDA (very deficient)

-Vitamin C: 73% of RDA (deficient)

-Folate: 85% of RDA (deficient)

-Zinc: 95% of RDA (mildy deficient)

-Calcium 74% of RDA (deficient)

A total of approximately 45g of fat for a whopping 13% of calories. Low in saturated fat (10g).

Now of course, the RDA is based on the average (160 lb male) sedentary individual. Of course you know that bigger guys need more and athletes need even more. You don't even meet the RDA.

I also do not really see a source of EFAs. The fish would be a source, but you said lean fish, and I don't really know how often you eat it.

You call this healthy?

** please note that I did my best to approximate amounts given, so it's not going to be 100% accurate.

I said lean meat as in beef, fish or poultry.

I do drink milk and have cream in my coffee, I just did not factor that when I wrote my base diet.

I take a multi vit/mineral as i stated above to easto, along with extra c, e and zinc and magnesium as well.

I think your missing one other factor here. Anfd that is my age, stats, what actually gets eaten in that day(base diet remember, sometimes more or less of the above or different things do get eaten) supplement taken/ or not taken. And if I have an underlying condition that requires that I refrain from certain foods.

Anyways i look forward to you getting your blood pressure up proving I am wrong and you are right.

I will do whatever I can to help you feel better about yourself.
Frosty said:
That would make a vitamin a staple rather than a supplement. Not to mention vitamins are generally a poor source of calcium, and generally use beta-carotene as "vitamin A" when it is not.

Is it possible for a pill to sustain life for generations? I'd be interested to know if you could feed a person refined fiber, refined flour, refined protein powder, and refined oil, and give them a vitamin to make up for the lack of nutrients and have that sustain life over generations.

i wonder if you are going to have a heart attack worrying about everybody's and your health like this
Milhouse said:
I said lean meat as in beef, fish or poultry.

I do drink milk and have cream in my coffee, I just did not factor that when I wrote my base diet.

I take a multi vit/mineral as i stated above to easto, along with extra c, e and zinc and magnesium as well.

I think your missing one other factor here. Anfd that is my age, stats, what actually gets eaten in that day(base diet remember, sometimes more or less of the above or different things do get eaten) supplement taken/ or not taken. And if I have an underlying condition that requires that I refrain from certain foods.

Yes, lean meat, and that is what I calculated for. Lean fish takes away from the very beneficial fats that you could get from wild salmon with the skin on it.

Seems convenient that you left out milk even though you drink it, but mentioned you do drink it when I pointed out a calcium deficiency. But hey, that's not entirely fair. I should give you the benefit of the doubt.

A vitamin/mineral supplement is just that - a supplement. It is a staple in your diet. What kind of vitamin are you taking? I hope it isn't a Centrum or something like that.

If you do have an underlying condition, then state it. Anyone can have a condition that might not allow them to eat just about ANY food.

Regardless, your diet is deficient in vitamins and minerals and you just pop a pill to "make up for it." What is your vitamin's source of vitamin A? Do you have a study that shows pills will sustain life over generations? That's a major part of health, which you states as being your main goal. That is, unless you define health as "feeling good." Do you have studies to back up your reasoning here? Afterall, you don't use some "fad" diet (looks like the ubiquitous 1990's lowfat diet...wasn't that a fad?).

Your diet looks lacking in EFAs, nutrients, and I do not see any probiotics in there, either. That's very important for health as well, since it is approximately 60% of your immune system, among other things. Do you include nutrient-dense vegetables as well? Things like broccoli, spinach, sea veggies, etc?
Frosty said:
That would make a vitamin a staple rather than a supplement. Not to mention vitamins are generally a poor source of calcium, and generally use beta-carotene as "vitamin A" when it is not.

Is it possible for a pill to sustain life for generations? I'd be interested to know if you could feed a person refined fiber, refined flour, refined protein powder, and refined oil, and give them a vitamin to make up for the lack of nutrients and have that sustain life over generations.

Some how that was exactly the answer I expected to read.........:jump: