Frosty said:
That's not really a big deal. I just don't appreciate when people have diarrhea of the mouth but won't substantiate anything. You kept going on about "fad" diets and accusing me of things I did not do. So when I point out the errors in your diet, what do you do? Debate the actual issues so people can learn something (if not you or me, someone reading it)? No, you avoid topics, change the subject and try to distract people with bringing up my credentials. It's a classic tactic of people that are backed in a corner in a debate.
I would be very happy to debate this with you, but if you're not up for that, then fine. People reading this can make the decision on who makes the most sense.
Seems like your trying to distract people with your own babble by trying show your expertise yet wont state your credentials. You have done this with others who have asked your credentials as well.
I already know what your credentials are, I am not saying but I think you should just admit that you have read 2 books.
The errors of my diet first of all what are you a fucking retard? Hmm I take multis etc as I have stated above, and then I have stated not only here but elsewhere on this site that I feel fucking great, and I am losing fat slowly while keeping my same bodyweight. In your opinion things like rice cakes and cereals(ie oats, oat bran cream of wheat etc ) are bad choices, hmm the ingrediants of the bag I have here says "brown rice, sesame seeds adn salt" . holy shit the world just came to an end. Oh and here is another kicker, MY HEALTH ACCORDING TO MEDICAL CHECKUPS(3 in the past year) have improved tremendously since the first one. Not bad considering I probably could have been dead about a year ago.
You seem to state that feeling good has nothing to do with health, which you are part correct but because of my diet I am not healthy. I will let you in on a little secret. Diet is NOT everything, its how you live your life etc, its all around everything that counts. I know enough people who are health nuts in the purest sense of the world yet are miserable twats and end up getting sick in the fucking head because they obsess over the littlest inane details oif life kind of like you are doing. tHERE IS SOME OLD CHINAMAN PROBABLY IN ASIA RIGHT NOW WHO IS 95 YEARS OLD, FEELS GREAT, LIVES ON 2 BOWLS OF RICE PER DAY AND COULD PROBABLY KICK THE ASS OF HALF OF US HERE. Hmm but he isnt healthy because he only has a good outlook on life, practices Tai Chi and martial arts but his diet is deficient in satuarated fat so he might not make it to 96 folks.
Taking this one step further I had person in my life for many years who I felt was and is till a good person. Now this person used to obsess about the same shit you do and in the end she was about as natural as her breast implants.
Unfortuantly I am helping out in other areas at work the past few days so I am on and off but on monday if I get the chance I will look thru all your relevent posts and then poke the hypcrisy and bullshit of everything you are preaching.
Please answer the question and put me in my place once and for all.
If you dont answer the question please understand that I will have no other alternative then to go to every songle thread you post on and ask this question.
If you have LEGIT credentials please say it. Then maybe I will consider taking what you say a little more seriously. Until then I could care less what a bunch of internet people think of your genius. As well I could care less who thinks who won an argument(nobody wins an argument btw).
I have enough balls to tell you that I will consider what you say has some legitamacy but only when you tell me what your LEGIT credentials are, and dont just paste some studies you got off the net because studies in general always contradict some other studies.
Just your real life credentials thats it thats all.
Again Nelson JR/Fonz JR what are the real life credentials you have?