Here is my present diet...

Milhouse, have you made any chages to your diet as of yet?

I have another suggestion: Fish Oil Caps
I bought a big bottle of them at Costco and take about 6/ day. Its a good source of fat, no doesn't cost too much. The caps are better than trying to choke down flax oil and that stuff.
Frosty said:
Yes, you are correct.

And I challenge you to find fault with what I say.

Ok now your being very laughable.

Its one thing that you can call me out etc but now your gonna call out one of the most knowledgable guys here. Trust me if he cant answer your question he will defiantly find some dudes who will answer them and make you look like a total fool by the time they get done debating you

This ought to be fun.
Easto said:
Milhouse, have you made any chages to your diet as of yet?

I have another suggestion: Fish Oil Caps
I bought a big bottle of them at Costco and take about 6/ day. Its a good source of fat, no doesn't cost too much. The caps are better than trying to choke down flax oil and that stuff.

No I havent but when I get the time to go for groceries etc I will def look into getting the fish oil caps.


I dont remember if I mentioned above as well that my sleep is def better since I added the zinc and magnesium in the evening, just generic brand shit nothing fancy.
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Milhouse said:
No I havent but when I get the time to go for groceries etc I will def look into getting the fish oil caps.


I dont remember if I mentioned above as well that my sleep is def better since I added the zinc and magnesium in the evening, just generic brand shit nothing fancy.

Actually, if I may make a suggestion. Keeping the analysis of your diet in mind, cod liver oil would be a better choice over fish oil. It's basically fish oil, but with vitamins A and D in it (which were deficient in your diet). This would help improve the nutrient content of your diet as well as adding good EFAs.
Milhouse said:
Ok now your being very laughable.

Its one thing that you can call me out etc but now your gonna call out one of the most knowledgable guys here. Trust me if he cant answer your question he will defiantly find some dudes who will answer them and make you look like a total fool by the time they get done debating you

This ought to be fun.

Yes, it ought to be. If I look like a fool then it is my fault :)
Frosty said:
Actually, if I may make a suggestion. Keeping the analysis of your diet in mind, cod liver oil would be a better choice over fish oil. It's basically fish oil, but with vitamins A and D in it (which were deficient in your diet). This would help improve the nutrient content of your diet as well as adding good EFAs.

thats the kind of responses I am looking for

Thank you

PS now wasnt that easier than talking down to someone like they are in 4th grade?
Milhouse said:
thats the kind of responses I am looking for

Thank you

PS now wasnt that easier than talking down to someone like they are in 4th grade?

I am sorry for that. I should have been more polite in my original post.

I appologize for that.
Its ok

Jesus still loves you j/k

Incidentally my ratios in the past which worked well were a 40/40/20 split of protein, carbs and fat

Right now due to only being back to the gym after 18 months of layoff because of personal problems(do a search to get an idea of what I am saying) I have been only eating clean the past couple of months and am just gradually increasing the quantities of food I eat.

I like variety in my daily eating and the plan I put is my basic overall plan, most days its about 90-100% on but I am not adverse to adding extra protein on days nor do I sweat if I eat 3-4 pices of fruit or gasp pasta or different meats etc.

When I want to diet to absolutely get lean lean lean its a totally different ball game.

If you guys only knew how I ate during those 18 months I went to 1 extrem to another and back. My body was a train wreck basically.

This is why I eat what I am eating now in those amounts etc. I am working back up to where I was.
Its tough getting a diet back on track after eating like shit for an extended period of time. I've done it many times in the past and I'm sure I will do it a lot more in the future. Shit happens, then the diet goes south. Pretty soon 1 cheat meal /day turns into 6 cheat meals/day.

When you are used to eating burgers, pizza, and Kraft Dinner all the time it is hard to get back to lean meats, oatmeal, and rice.

Milhouse, everyone runs into trouble in their life, I'm happy for you that you turned around.

Keep us updated with the diet and traingin.
Very entertaining thread guys. It's amazing how the carb debate rages on.

Not to over-simplify things but I think that carbs and fats are inversely proportionate. If you eat high fat, you must go low carb in order to avoid the ill-effects of fats. Vice-versa for carbs. I find that high fat 5-6 days per week cycled with a day or two of high carb works best for me to improve body comp. During those high carb days I try to get the missing calcium and vitamin D deficient throughout the week.

Everyone if different and I would encourage people to try all sorts of dieting techniques to find what works best for their body.
cconnors_us said:
Very entertaining thread guys. It's amazing how the carb debate rages on.

Not to over-simplify things but I think that carbs and fats are inversely proportionate. If you eat high fat, you must go low carb in order to avoid the ill-effects of fats. Vice-versa for carbs. I find that high fat 5-6 days per week cycled with a day or two of high carb works best for me to improve body comp. During those high carb days I try to get the missing calcium and vitamin D deficient throughout the week.

Everyone if different and I would encourage people to try all sorts of dieting techniques to find what works best for their body.

When I bulk, I do high fat, high carb, and high protein :D

Although, I tend to do better on a lowish carb diet, getting most of my carbs through veggies.

To make up for the calcium and vitamin D during the week, you could eat full fat cheddar cheese and add cod liver oil to your diet. That would fix up both and not mess up the low carb thing.