Hello all, yes I'm still alive in case you were wondering. Here is what happened since I last posted:
I got off the helladrol after about a week and a half. Tests would later show my liver toxicity was way out of the normal range. I had not yet started the NAC but still, it was scary that in a week it was so bad. Anyways I stopped the helladrol because I felt I was crashing big time. I had 0 motivation to do anything all day and my workouts felt like shit. Once i stopped taking the helladrol, I found out I couldn't get an erection.
I went on a PCT of clomid and nolva. Sounds great, right? Wrong. I had a severe anxiety attack and some bad depression for the next few days. It's unfortunate that I'm one of the few people who react so badly to it. I went to see a doctor to explore my options on how I could fix my T. That's when I decided to hit the NAC because my liver was so bad. More on this to come.
For my T, I took e-control rx which is an AI. I was taking it for about a week and a half along with NAC when my body just rejected it. I had severe diarhea for about 4 days and could barely leave the house. I found out later that high doses of NAC could upset the stomach. Between the NAC and the NAC in the e-control rx, I was taking about 1500 miligrams a day. When I stopped, I got better. I can get erections again but I do plan to go on e-control again until the bottle runs out, probably without the NAC pills themself. The e-control has NAC inside it which should be enough considering the liver heals by itself anyways.
So there you have it. One of these days I plan to go on another ostarine or maybe s-4 cycle with just e-control rx as post cycle therapy.