Here it is boys, my first Cycle. [Osta log]

3rd day in, also the third straight day of feeling like shit. Perhaps it's my sleeping habits; they're definitely not helping. I also think there's a gap between the end of the osta cycle and the time it takes for hella to kick in. My strength has gone down and I feel like garbage in the gym. Stamina is definitely up from the GW however.
Monday I ran 1.66 miles in about 20 minutes, probably 21. Today I ran 2 miles in 23 minutes. Felt pretty awesome and I could keep running. I love the instant stamina gains from GW.
Monday I ran 1.66 miles in about 20 minutes, probably 21. Today I ran 2 miles in 23 minutes. Felt pretty awesome and I could keep running. I love the instant stamina gains from GW.

It's impressive though isn't it? I was kind of skeptic before ever trying GW but definitely noticed the effects and then could feel the difference after coming off.
It's impressive though isn't it? I was kind of skeptic before ever trying GW but definitely noticed the effects and then could feel the difference after coming off.

Do you think it's something you could build up? I was thinking of using it on gameday or just days where I know I'll be doing cardio.
First week I've had some issues staying up. I feel very tired most of the day and the gym has been kicking my ass big time. Another thing I underestimated was that I won't be able to drink these 6 weeks. With ostarine, it wasn't a problem. Definitely won't be running a helladrol cycle during party season again.
Hello all, yes I'm still alive in case you were wondering. Here is what happened since I last posted:

I got off the helladrol after about a week and a half. Tests would later show my liver toxicity was way out of the normal range. I had not yet started the NAC but still, it was scary that in a week it was so bad. Anyways I stopped the helladrol because I felt I was crashing big time. I had 0 motivation to do anything all day and my workouts felt like shit. Once i stopped taking the helladrol, I found out I couldn't get an erection.

I went on a PCT of clomid and nolva. Sounds great, right? Wrong. I had a severe anxiety attack and some bad depression for the next few days. It's unfortunate that I'm one of the few people who react so badly to it. I went to see a doctor to explore my options on how I could fix my T. That's when I decided to hit the NAC because my liver was so bad. More on this to come.

For my T, I took e-control rx which is an AI. I was taking it for about a week and a half along with NAC when my body just rejected it. I had severe diarhea for about 4 days and could barely leave the house. I found out later that high doses of NAC could upset the stomach. Between the NAC and the NAC in the e-control rx, I was taking about 1500 miligrams a day. When I stopped, I got better. I can get erections again but I do plan to go on e-control again until the bottle runs out, probably without the NAC pills themself. The e-control has NAC inside it which should be enough considering the liver heals by itself anyways.

So there you have it. One of these days I plan to go on another ostarine or maybe s-4 cycle with just e-control rx as post cycle therapy.
Great log and you made some good gains with your osta cycle. I personally would recommend doing an LGD cycle.
I'm currently running an LGD cycle for the second time and I've been impressed with the gains and I had very mild suppression of running 10mg