Here it is boys, my first Cycle. [Osta log]

Good to hear, bro. Watch out for Sarms1's famous suppression! I'm half joking.

Yup. I've been taking HCGen because the last week I've been feeling like shit. Might be the rainy weather, might now.

Anyways, Week 3 Day 4, I'm seeing the results for sure. My dad also noticed I look bigger. Had a killer chest workout today.
Week 3, Day 5 Had an awesome workout. Did biceps and back and had the biggest bicep pump in my life. Probably not from osta, most likely from the overload set at the beginning of the workout. Anyways, just a very nice workout.
I'm seeing some sides at this point. I'm getting some pimples around the edge of my face like chin and top of the forehead. I use benzaclin so most of my face is fine but I can tell if I wasn't using it my face would be looking pretty bad. Everything else is okay. I can't speak for strength gains but I've definitely gotten bigger.
Great to hear man. Keep up the good work.

I'm seeing some sides at this point. I'm getting some pimples around the edge of my face like chin and top of the forehead. I use benzaclin so most of my face is fine but I can tell if I wasn't using it my face would be looking pretty bad. Everything else is okay. I can't speak for strength gains but I've definitely gotten bigger.
Great to hear man. Keep up the good work.

Thank you!

Week 4 is nearly over. I've been getting some awesome pumps. I see a nice difference in three areas: back, triceps, and the vascularity. Negative sides so far: some acne. Like I said, I use benzaclin, so the part of my face that I put it on is pretty good, but like the edge of my face is breaking out. Also some pimples on my torso. This might be explained by the hotter weather and the fact that i've been playing a lot of ball outside lately.

Oh! My weight has gone up from 155 to 161~ since the cycle began.
Wow. 8 pounds in four weeks. That is pretty incredible. I'm not sure I've ever heard of such impressive gains from Osta alone. Very well done.

It's roughly eight pounds for sure, probably a little less. A couple of caveats:

-I weighed 155~ before. It's not very hard to gain weight when you don't weigh much to begin with.

-It's definitely not all muscle.
Week 5, Day 1

Had to miss my workout today. I've got a pretty mild fever out of nowhere, didn't feel like moving or even standing. Took some antibiotics today and hopefully I will be ready by tomorrow.
Tough week so far. I have a fever and I had to take Monday off. I moved everything over starting Tuesday. I feel like my strength has gone down from the fever but that's normal. Noticing some size gains for sure.
Dude, you just have no luck at all, do you? haha

Get yourself some zycam. Or the generic knock offs.
Nothing else works for me like that stuff.
Basically never sick - ever. And if I catch soemthing. Done with it in a day or two.
Dude, you just have no luck at all, do you? haha

Get yourself some zycam. Or the generic knock offs.
Nothing else works for me like that stuff.
Basically never sick - ever. And if I catch soemthing. Done with it in a day or two.

Can you get that at a pharmacy without a prescription? I don't see a point in ordering it if it'll arrive by the time I'm healthy.
Fuckin messed up week. Been trying to work my way through this sickness and I'm proud of working through it. Have biceps/back today and then I can rest. I can't wait to get back to working out while fully healthy. One positive thing is I'm nearly done week 5 and it looks like there's more osta than I thought. Latest guesstimate has it at 7-8 weeks.
UPDATE: I'll be adding 6 weeks of helladrol to my cycle once the Osta is done. It'll be about 14 weeks on cycle altogether. My reasoning is, I wanna do a hella cycle before the summer is over but I can't do that if I finish osta, do pct, and take some time off. I'm not sure what fall is looking like either. So here's what it'll look like:

Hella 75/75/100/100/100/100
D-A Acid: 1 scoop a day for all 6 weeks
NAC liver protection: two pills a day, one in the morning one in the evening.

Cost me about 120 after shipping from mr supps. Way cheaper than my osta cycle. Anyways the side effects from my osta have been minimal so I don't really feel like I need a break.

OH!!! I forgot to mention, I ordered some GW which I will throw into the hella cycle to offset endurance issues. Not really sure what dosage, probably 5-10 mgs a day.
And your Hella cycle will actually bring a lot more gains than your Osta. That I am certain of.
I'd want more liver protection than that.