Herm's tri blend summer cycle


just a Lil guy!!!
Sup everyone? I'll be starting my summer cycle here on Monday. It will consist of tri blend 300mg/ml. 100 test prop, 100 mast, and 100 Tren ace!! I'll be shooting 1cc eod so it will around 900mg a week. I have more gear as well incase I wanna change my dosage. I'll be running 50mg of Anavar (var) as well as 4ius of rips. I'll be running caber at .50 Mon and Thursday. I'll also be taking Aromasin at 12.5mg every day. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before pct and will have the regular pct protocol. Well its gonna be nasty fellas. Gonna post some pics. Not like I'm anything special to see though I'm trying. I recently bought a house and diet went to shit. Then I got sick with pneumonia and lost some weight. Right now I'm at 6'1 ish about 225ish at ehh 14-15% bf. Ive been back at a steady diet and lifting strong for 3 or four weeks.
I just started the same....minus the mast....havnt tried it yet. Gonna hav to try it an see if its as hard on the hairline as they say.
Lol bro fuck it!!! Im gonna be bald one way or another so I'm gonna run whatever. Lol. First post on my log. Tgia is crazy.
Nice cycle. I have a few questions if you don't mind.

How long will the cycle be?

Do you plan on getting blood work 1/2 way through the cycle? I'm wondering what affect the mast and aromasin combined will have on your e2.

Are you taking any type of liver sup? I've read that tren and an oral in the same cycle is extra rough on the liver. I'm wondering if that's actually true.
Well I'm prob running the blend for 10 and just test for 4 more weeks. Ya I'm.getting bloods. I'm not running my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the get go. I'm gonna see how everything is first

Anavar at 50-70 for 8 weeks is mild. Anavar is such a mild Steroid and isnt very liver toxic. It goes through the liver once not like Dbol which it goes through once.
Cool, thanks for the info.

Looks like you really know how to put a cycle together. I'll be following along. With your base, I bet you're gonna kill it.
Love it Herm.. The 4 IU's of rips is just the icing on the cake.. Shit, maybe I'll run that for my next :-). Shit, Was gonna do Oxy350 with 4 iu's rips, and 50 mg Anavar (var) under Mike's suggestion anyways.... The PEA OXY350 was highly recommended... I got some time to decide.. Sounds awesome Herm, definitely post up some pics
Lol maybe they are maybe they aren't!! Lol a little update I'm going to hold off a week or so. Getting my diet together with a nutritional coach. I'm trying to get is much as possible out of this cycle.
Ok we waiting on you to start but hurry the fuck up dude!!!!
J/K is good to have diet on point speacilly for your goals, good call Herm