Herniated Disk- advice needed

I got your PM broha. Do you have difficulty using the restroom because of the pain? Or is it actual difficulty with controlling your bowel/bladder function? Have you noticed any numbness/ change of sensation in your pelvic area (gooch, taint, w/e lol). Any changes in sensation with your genital region? Or has low back pain and sciatica been your main symptoms?

This sounds severe enough that the MD/pain management place is def where you need to be right now--they'll keep you sane and make life manageable.

I'm getting a hold of some people and doing some research to hopefully send you in the right direction. The right chiro should get your life back.

Try not to reach down and touch your toes and shit..I'm not sure what's up with them telling you to sit and w/e but loaded flexion (bending through the lumbar spine rather than the hips is once of the main causes of herniations--especially with weight).

Ask your doctor about walking, That's what I would be doing. I know you prob can't workout right now lol--but don't. Once this issue resolves, learn proper mechanics, and you do the proper core strengthening you should be back to lifting because your so young.

I've had sciatica and low back pain severe enough it's knocked me on my ass and I haven't been able to walk. I'm more knowledgeable now and I haven't had an episode in years. Keep a positive attitude man, I'll be in touch.

Yeah ryand. I am walking..

it was just the sciatica thing. at first it just got bad one day, and got to the point where i couldn't pee. disk was touching nerves and messed up senses in the pelvic region. I am grateful, this experience broke me down in so many ways.

I didnt expect everyone to be so helpful, although my brother said you guys would...
I greatly appreciate it. I've never really had back pain either. last week, I wasn't able to stand and being laid up in a hospital bed for nearly a week. I got back from my primary doctor, i just have a very slight tingling/ numbness in my toes, legs, which is just the nerves and a hudge improvement

"If you go into the gym and start killing core like most people--hitting primarily hip flexors lol--could def make things worse."

Ryand please do soon, when you get the chance, I am not to sure what you meant by this..
I know I have to do core. Did you mean i should avoid certain movements?
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Ryand please do soon, when you get the chance, I am not to sure what you meant by this..
I know I have to do core. Did you mean i should avoid certain movements?

be patient with getting back to the gym, your health is more important. Walking is the best thing for you right now. If you do a million crunches and hanging crunches your building a cosmetic core (for the most part--I'm exaggerating a bit).

The stuff I'll be sending you is all functional core workouts which will be safe on your back because the movements are very minimal. It'll build your core from the inside out and from the ground up. The chiro I'm gonna send you to will do a functional assessment and hopefully find your weak link that caused this problem. Walk and Ice man.
be patient with getting back to the gym, your health is more important. Walking is the best thing for you right now. If you do a million crunches and hanging crunches your building a cosmetic core (for the most part--I'm exaggerating a bit).

The stuff I'll be sending you is all functional core workouts which will be safe on your back because the movements are very minimal. It'll build your core from the inside out and from the ground up. The chiro I'm gonna send you to will do a functional assessment and hopefully find your weak link that caused this problem. Walk and Ice man.

Makes sense why I cant send messages yet... been walking and I started icing it up again. Sent you another wall post with a question before i saw this, I look forward to getting all the info
Thanks again
if you dont mind send meyour info, i got the report today.. i could let you know..

Very sorry about going MIA bro, I'll be sending you a link for some information today. It's been awhile, hopefully you are getting a little more active (it'll be a perfect time to go see a chiro specializing in disc work if so).

Take care man, I'll message you soon.
I have mulitple disc herniations in my neck. Initially I had a moderate size disc herniation of C5-C6. I had an MRI about 2 months ago and now I have multiple disc herniations, stenosis, you name it. My Neck is jacked. Since 2006 I have trained bjj, benched 300 pounds with this herniation. I have still been lifting with it but stopped bjj.

My advice to you would be to read books by the author John Sarno. His first book Mind over back pain really helped me when I was going through flareups. Go to your local library and give it a shot it's free. I think that stress and anger can really make disc pain much worse.
Hey man, sorry to hear about your situation. I have had herniations and nerve impingement in my lumbar and cervical areas. I feel your pain. Aside from the standard ice/moist heat/stretching I would also recommend massage and the Mckenzie exercises. Also what helped my lower back was the medication Lyrica. It is used for neuropathic pain. Lastly don't give up! Try to stay optimistic and if you are religious pray. Good luck to ya!
I have heard some positive feedback from people who had spinal fusions. Only slight RoM loss. All is not lost if this is the only recourse.

I would try the chiropractor. I have heard that the static machines (used to stretch the spine) are helpful.
I have herniated disks in the lumbar too. I had to remove squats and deadlifts from my routine. I use the leg press machine instead. My back hurts constantly no matter if I walk, stand, set, laydown, etc. The pain is always there. I just deal with it and keep working out doing exercises that won't cause further injury. Best of luck to you.
I probably have more experience than most on this, as I'm older. About 38 years of back problems. You'll get as many opinions as there are sore backs, but here goes anyway.

When it is acute - immediately after you have tweaked it - do not use heat. Use ice, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants. Swimming is the safest exercise - but don't do anything to hurt it. If it hurts you create more inflammation. The most accessible muscle relaxant is alcohol, but Valium is best.

After the acute stage passes (for me about three days) massage, chiro/osteo manipulation works for me.

But the key to coping with this long-term is . . .


I had never stretched (we're talking a long time ago here, no-one knew about its importance) and couldn't touch my shins, let alone the ground. After a while I could place my palms on the floor, and the muscles have stayed flexible, so I can get back to that point quite easily even after a long break.

Good luck.

Did I mention stretching is very important?

BTW: I had two specialists telling me they simply had to fuse vertebrae in my neck 35 years ago. Thank God I didn't believe them.
@ bigfella I'm on cycle now, I'm 24 and never stretched but I have been more recently. Went to physical therapy yeasterday and I'm going today. my right calf/ankle is super tight and is causing me problems to run (toes start to curl up a bit). Should i get off cylce? Im just doing EQ.. I know I should be doing it with a test..
I have mulitple disc herniations in my neck. Initially I had a moderate size disc herniation of C5-C6. I had an MRI about 2 months ago and now I have multiple disc herniations, stenosis, you name it. My Neck is jacked. Since 2006 I have trained bjj, benched 300 pounds with this herniation. I have still been lifting with it but stopped bjj.

My advice to you would be to read books by the author John Sarno. His first book Mind over back pain really helped me when I was going through flareups. Go to your local library and give it a shot it's free. I think that stress and anger can really make disc pain much worse.

I had 2 major disc herniations in my neck (C5-C7) that required surgery because of impacted nerve. Did it doing weighted pull-ups in the gym (am 45 years old). herniation was horrible and I lost most of my left triceps and left pec due to compressed nerve. Never went away after 4 months, even with GH therapy the entire time and I was on AAS. Dont think either helps. Had cortisol injections and was on oral cortisol, which helped with the pain, but did not fix the dead nerve and loss of muscles and innervation. Bench went from a peak of 395lbs down to 225 lbs (1 rep max) in like 1 month. Had surgery which was a discectomy and spinal fusion for both herniations. It has been 10 months now since the surgery and I have yet to recover the nerve function fully. Still cannot bench 300 lbs even. Triceps on left side is still noticeably smaller. NOTHING really helps with this bro except anti-inflammatory agents, and even those will not fix a fully herniated disc. Surgery is hit or miss. Probably did not really help me in hindsight.

Best of luck to you! Sucks getting old.....and we beat the shit out our bodies to get big and strong....price to pay for that.
All of this is from parental neglect. I after physical therapy, i started having pain in my right knee, the therapist said it might be the meniscus. should I get off cycle?