Hey Experienced fellas with Peptides?


New member
I've used several for a few years now. I was wondering on the mixing, So I use 2cc of bac in my peptides vial GHRP-2 with Mod 1-29 but I use more GHRP-2 than my Mod 1-29. And I always have some left over. I use on my insulin pin tic 10 (100mcg) for GHRP-2 and for my Mod 1-29 tic 5 (50mcg) any way I was wondering if I might use less bac in my Mod 1-29 to 1cc It will be stronger dosage but I will not have any waste? Not sure if this makes any sense. I hope I am not confusing myself lol. But I always put 2cc in both 5mg vials but I use less on the Mod/my injections two or three times per day. I usually do two which is morning and night time. It's hard in the middle due to not being home (But at work)

Anyway has anybody might have any advise? Thanks
I've used several for a few years now. I was wondering on the mixing, So I use 2cc of bac in my peptides vial GHRP-2 with Mod 1-29 but I use more GHRP-2 than my Mod 1-29. And I always have some left over. I use on my insulin pin tic 10 (100mcg) for GHRP-2 and for my Mod 1-29 tic 5 (50mcg) any way I was wondering if I might use less bac in my Mod 1-29 to 1cc It will be stronger dosage but I will not have any waste? Not sure if this makes any sense. I hope I am not confusing myself lol. But I always put 2cc in both 5mg vials but I use less on the Mod/my injections two or three times per day. I usually do two which is morning and night time. It's hard in the middle due to not being home (But at work)

Anyway has anybody might have any advise? Thanks
Peptidecalculator.com is what I always used to us.
Peptidecalculator.com is what I always used to us.

I use the peptide Calculator, but Since the Mod 1-29 is the stronger we use have of the amount of the GRHP-6 or GHRP-2 But I was thinking of using less bac in the mod. Does any one else have some input or shed on the conversation? Thanks