Hey guys , a quick intro ! :)


New member
Sup all ! Quick intro, im 19 years old, 3 years and a half training, going to compete in may! :)

Stats : 212
BF : ?
Height : 5ft9
Bitch tits from puberty at 14 y/o

Current cycle :
Test E 250mg E3D
Npp 225 E3D
Winstrol 50mg ED
T3 12.5mcg ED
Sup all ! Quick intro, im 19 years old, 3 years and a half training, going to compete in may! :)

Stats : 212
BF : ?
Height : 5ft9
Bitch tits from puberty at 14 y/o

Current cycle :
Test E 250mg E3D
Npp 225 E3D
Winstrol 50mg ED
T3 12.5mcg ED

Sounds like waay too many compounds to me. Seeing that your only 19 I dont think you've ran too many cycles have you? Researching this forum youll learn the 1 compound rule lol.. 1 compound your first cycle. 1-2 compunds your second cycle. 1-3 compounds your third cycle. if you get serious acne or chest pains or night sweats ext while taking 4 different compounds how are you going to know which is bringing these sides? Your young as it is and are probably totaly fucking your body up with all that shit in your natural testoterone growing body, shoulda got your diet in check before resulting in such detailed cycles. Last, everyones different, but your npp dose imo is too close to your test dose which will probably result in a limp dick. Increase the test or lower the npp

This being said, you look pretty good, looks like you have some good size to you, post some better pictures so we can critique. Also if your really going to compete i'd suggest surgicly correcting your gyno issue, judges take off points for it.
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I'll make another comment since the coward that negged me for my comment couldnt put there name down like a faggot. I would be willing to gamble this kid has never competed ever and if so I'd like to see some pics. His gyno is terrible at least from these pics provided and judges would kill him for it. To have done it the right way meaning 1 compound at a time he would have had to been 17 years old when he first started cycling which would mean hes a straight up retard and if not...Well hes still a straight up retard for using 4 different steroids when he has never used anything before.

Will the gay lover of this young man please step foward?
Shoot the NPP every other day. I would like to know how many cycles you have ran prior to this one...

Scrapp... Don't fall victim to the Deca has to be way lower mg/mg belief. Many people have been successful running equal doses and some who react poorly to test run more Deca then test and do just fine.
Shoot the NPP every other day. I would like to know how many cycles you have ran prior to this one...

Scrapp... Don't fall victim to the Deca has to be way lower mg/mg belief. Many people have been successful running equal doses and some who react poorly to test run more Deca then test and do just fine.
Yea npp is has the same active hormones as deca.. and test E has more mg per mg of active hormones than deca.. this means no limp dick for me =)

Numba, yes I've started at 17, though i'm not a retard but if I could go back, i'd start steroids in 1 or 2 years! But we all make bad choices and we have to assume it bro. Yes my gyno is terrible and have to get rid of it for sure, I know this. Terrible complex for a young man like me ! Thanks to my douchebag look that makes the girls forget about my gyno hahaha ! :p jk =) ! Next year will be my 1st contest , yes your right ! Thanks all :)

Oh btw, this is my 4th cycle so yes im following the 1 coumpound rule.
Yea npp is has the same active hormones as deca.. and test E has more mg per mg of active hormones than deca.. this means no limp dick for me =)

Numba, yes I've started at 17, though i'm not a retard but if I could go back, i'd start steroids in 1 or 2 years! But we all make bad choices and we have to assume it bro. Yes my gyno is terrible and have to get rid of it for sure, I know this. Terrible complex for a young man like me ! Thanks to my douchebag look that makes the girls forget about my gyno hahaha ! :p jk =) ! Next year will be my 1st contest , yes your right ! Thanks all :)

Oh btw, this is my 4th cycle so yes im following the 1 coumpound rule.

no hard feelings against you bro, your secret gay lover left me negg rep talking shit, but looks like you did follow the rule lol, good for you, though I think you will suffer from low test levels earlier then most.. Fuck it right? lol
no hard feelings against you bro, your secret gay lover left me negg rep talking shit, but looks like you did follow the rule lol, good for you, though I think you will suffer from low test levels earlier then most.. Fuck it right? lol

Loll ! Yea well... Low test isnt a prob, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is there.. just wanna make sure i'll have kids later on though ! :p
But always doing BW before cycles and after , so if my bw is negative.. ill rerun a post cycle therapy (pct) !
But yeah I know i should of waited though ! Thanks bro