Hey Guys and Current Info


Let me start off by saying hi to everyone. I moved to this board after a year of dealing with constantly being bashed and accused of lying about my age and not listening to the vets on forums.steroid.com
Anyhow a little about me
Age: 25
Ht: 6'0"
Wt: 210lb
Years Training: on and off since I was 14 and about 2 full years this run
Cycle History:
1/2011-3/2011: 500mg Test Cyp. per week divided into 2 250mg pins every 3.5-4 days and front loaded with 500mg on first ever pin.
2/6/11-3/10/11: 50-100mg tren ace ed.
3/9/11: Full rupture of pectoralis major tendon, most likely due to rapid gain of strength and mass in which tendon had not adjusted to
3/28/11: Open surgery to repair pectoralis major tendon with general anesthesia and platelet rich enhancement injection in site of repair.
4/6: Bad time coming off the juice and very emotional and depressed
4/15/11: Start cycle of test prop 150mg EOD
5/22/11: Added winstrol oil based at 50-100mg ED
6/28/11: Last pin of test prop and winstrol
All of july off and rapidly went from 225 to 205
Start of New Cycle:8/17
Test Enanthate:800mg a week
Dbol: 30mg ED for weeks 1-5 to kickstart cycle and get strength close to where it was
Thinking of adding either:
a. 500mg deca a week
b. 75-100mg tren ace ed

This cycle is a straight up bulking cycle to get as big as possible.
The first one(2) cycle/s was/were lean bulk and cutting so I want to see how much gains are possible on an all out bulk.

And yes I have done the research and know the consequences of running 19-nors like tren and its suppressive effects of the HPTA.

The other thing I am currently looking into is cruising due to meeting a few guys that seem to be doing well with the cruise burst method.
The reason for me is that when I come off I seem to lose all interest in training and eating altogether so I inevitably lose mass and water)
Do you ever run post cycle therapy (pct)? You didn't mention it and your cycles are way way way too close together. You need to give your body time to recover bro. You lose interest in training because your test levels aren't back to normal. Then your jumping right back on without ever fully recovering. Have you ever ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? Ever had blood panels taken before/after cycle? Seems like you're a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) before too long. Not tryin to knock you or bash you at all, just wondering why you didn't mention pct and why you don't give yourself time to recover between cycles.
I had bloodwork done for everything and everything was good except of course LH,FSH, Test... Estrogen was actually in the lower end of normal range this past time wheras back in april when I tried getting off it was 82 ng/ml. I hate pct and after talking to so many guys that have been on for year long cycle or cruising it just seems like overall they usually look better and are happier with their results.