first off, you shouldnt take it at all. you're fat. your only priority right now should be losing that fat and making yourself look presentable, thats it. anavar and "windy" ? you shouldnt even be thinking about those compounds until you are approaching the 10% bodyfat zone.
whats your goal anyway? you wanna bulk up at 18% bodyfat and get fatter or you wanna cut from 18% bodyfat and get down to 14 which is absolutely pointless.
second, if you just have gear laying around and you need to get on the internet to ask people how to use them, you shouldn't be.
it really sounds like you're dying to ingest some sort of drug to help you get to your goals faster. go pick up some clen and/or T3, and go on a 12 week fat loss diet. not even a cutting diet.. a straight up fast loss diet. once you are around 13-14% bodyfat then you should think about taking steroids. not only does your body respond better to steroids when you are leaner but you'll just look better overall and you'll be healthier man.
dont run a cycle now.. go pound some tuna and steamed broccoli