Hey, Septra or setra? any in anny or winny tabs?


New member
I just started working out with my buddy again, but before he takes anything, he needs to know if there is any Septra or Setra, im not 100% sure in anadrol or Winstrol (winny) tabs.

He is extremely allergic lol
Any help is appreciated,thanks.
Derek_D said:
Are you talking about the antibiotic Septra? Why would that be in gear???


He was told by a "friend" that he should double check before he starts taking it.

Im just trying to help him out, I couldnt see why it would be in there.
If he bought this stuff off a so-called "friend", I would advise your "friend" not to take it from this guy... if this dude thinks that an antibiotic might be in there, he obviously has no clue what belongs in a Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and what doesn't!!! Its a lot easier to be safe, then sorry later.... esp if your "friend" is very allergic to it. However, if he buys real Winstrol (winny) tabs / anadrol's, they would not contain any antibiotics.

Exactly bro... and unless your friend bought hundreds of dollars worth of the stuff (like 700+), then he really shouldn't worry. The first and foremost rule in this game is safety, and not knowing what you are taking esp when you are deathly allergic to something, can be a frightening thought! If your friend gets some other legit stuff, he will be OK.

Again, thanks alot for the help, hes now set up with some legit stuff. Hes feeling more comfortable now knowing its 100% real.