Hey whats up, New here


New member
Hey, whats up everyone. I just wanted to stop in an say HI to everyone. I used to visit this board regularly awhile ago to read up on all the great info. I have been in the game for about 6 years. Was going heavy at it til Jan. 03. I decided to go back to school for my Masters and had to take the time off, even had to quit lifting at times. It is a shame, but I had a 7 hours of classes and them had to work full time at night. Class started at 7 am and went to 2 pm, then it was straight to work at 3 til midnight, so obviously I had no time for dedicated training. Over the last 2 years, I have lost a total of 35 lbs. Was at about 210 lb, but have dropped to 175.:crying:

But now school is done and I got a job, seems like my life is back on schedule. Been hitting the gym regularly for about 2 months. Cant wait to hit up again, harder than ever. Want to get back up to that 210 range buy the summer. 35 lbs seems like a lot in a short time, but I have done it before, so there is no stopping me now, hopefully I can do it again.

A little about my history, I have done more than my share of cycles, from the lightest of Test/Dbol to a blast of a one that included Susp/Cyp/Deca/A50/Fina/Eq/Winny for about a 5 month stint, from March til Aug. That was a pricey one, but I gained about 40 lbs. It was a cycle that I did to gain all my weight back after crushing my hand and was out for about 9 months. Off cycle I usually maintain about 190. But now it will be like stating all over again. But I am excited. My body has been clean for over 2 years, so hopefully I will get some good gains. I got some pretty good knowledge of the good stuff, as I have done most of it. I am in no way a guru, but I have learned a hell of alot over the years. I first started of on the The Rocks board and Elitefitness. Others included the original here, UG, Triedia, and Meso up til about a year ago. Boy, has Meso changed since I wa last on it.

Anyways, I know I will learn more here, and I look forward to helping out other. Looking forward to getting to know you guys.

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You sound like me Red, I weighed in at 210 a year and a half ago, but I got married, and lost down to 175. Up to 180 now.....slowly but surely.