HGH and the finish cycle


New member
I am trying to figure out what to finish of my cycle with. My stats are:

Age: 34
Wieght: 220
Body fat: 14%
Curent cycle: Sust/ 12 week/ 2ml at once
Winny/ 5 week/ 2ml every 4 days
Jintropin/ 6 week / 4 Iu everyday( fucking $$$$ )
hope this shit works for me. I now have enoug for
2 1/2 months.
I started at 194 and gained I feel quite a lot of quality mass and just alittle extra body fat. But I cant really tell because of the water retention I just started to feel in the last 2 weeks.
I was going to finish this cycle with some Gonatropina to help with my test but think I should continue with another cycle. I was thinking about some using Tren or even trying to home brew some Fina. I really dont like the bloated feeling I am having. I feel like Im my fucking old lady just before she gets her visit.
My goals are to achieve more mass and cut my body fat to 10 to 12%. Maybe some input on what I might do would be really apreciated.
Hold on a minute there bro !!

Winny E4D is no good, too short a half-life.....you should be doing 50 mg ED.
HGH for only 6 weeks, you are really wasting your $$$, you have got to go 3 months minimium, better off yet to go 6 months. Maybe do 2 IU/day and make it last.

Is this your first cycle ???

as far as the bloat, jump on some L-dex or Femara, that should help.
ya, you could drop the ius of the gh and run it longer bro

4 to 6 months should be the minimum
Yes, I agree! Drop the ius to 3 and extend. You need the Winstrol (winny) ED or EOD at the least. Every 4th day is just as good as dumping down the toliet!
No I have enough for 4 months total. I have been on it for 6 weeks at the present time. That means only 2 1/2 months left of the shit. And as far as the Win. I was told that every 4days would be fine. I do feel the pump and the hardness but was looking for more effect. No not my first cycle but is my first stack of multiples