OK, I might have a little advice. HGH is a mysterious agent and you will get wildly different opinions as to its merits and usefulness, and some of this also is linked to ones source of HGH and its purity, quality and strength, but some is also linked to how different people respond to this agent. You definitely need many months of HGH to get an anabolic effect, and even then the effect is mild at best. I am now doing 8-10 IU a day, and the main benefit is fat loss with maybe a teeny tiny bit of strength increase (after 3 months now, but it is hard to know cause I am also running tren and test). My last 6 month cycle of HGH was at 5IU a day. I know the HGH was top quality and it tested very well when I did blood work for serum HGH levels (over 30ng/dl with 10 IU injection). I definitely noticed fat loss, but not much in the way of muscle addition, and ironically, in was rough on my joints, especially my knees and wrists.
I would definitely consider running Test with your HGH cycle, maybe 400-800 mg / week of Cyp or enanthate. That will give you an anabolic kick that you will notice way more than from just HGH alone. The 2 will work better together....I dont even think you would notice strength or muscle increase from HGH alone, even at 10 IU a day (at least this has been my experience).