HGH Timing...


New member
Looking to take the plunge into HGH in the next few weeks for some fatloss, shoulder repair and some muscle growth. I was wondering about timing.....I currently work a 7am to 4pm job and work out at 4:30. If i start pinning 4ius a day for 90 days what time of day do i pin? PreWO, PWO, Before bed?, when i wake up? Any advice would be greatly appreciated....
Looking to take the plunge into HGH in the next few weeks for some fatloss, shoulder repair and some muscle growth. I was wondering about timing.....I currently work a 7am to 4pm job and work out at 4:30. If i start pinning 4ius a day for 90 days what time of day do i pin? PreWO, PWO, Before bed?, when i wake up? Any advice would be greatly appreciated....

This is what I do I wake up 4am immediately pinn 2ius
Then I pinn 2ius at night after I workout. Ive had several people tell me not to eat at least a couple hours after so thats what I do.
What kind are u gonna run? Have u seen any test results on it yet?
My guy at the gym...told me Saizen kits(yellow tops) Have not seen or received product yet...sometime next week. I have been wanting to take the jump mostly for the repair benefits that HGH can bring to the table. However i have been reading/hearing the LR3 has the same advantages and alot cheaper....but again I will need to conduct more research.
Ok if u do get hgh make sure u get tested some people waist money for months thinking its real. I dont know much about peps but even with hgh dont expect anything miraculous it takes time im a month in and fat loss so far is minimal, but im gonna run it a long time.
Good luck keep us posted
I've read so much on HGH timing and come to the conclusion that we are truly split down the middle on the subject. Some are quick to say "I'm getting conflicting information," when in reality they hadn't read anything on the subject matter.

*all ius at once*
Some rec a morning shot (of all ius for that day) prior to getting started with anything, just upon waking, then not eating for approx 1hr or so after. I myself have started this protocol just to see. The other side seems to be saying prior to bedtime. The conflict seems to be the possibility of interrupting your natural night time output when in that good sleep, unless you are of a certain age and already have a very low output at night time / general.

I've read the PWO a ton, and that seems to be pretty universal. For ex., taking 2ius upon waking, and then 2ius after your evening workout. Then some do a combo of the upon waking, and prior to bedtime.

To be honest I have no clue who is correct, as all the information seems to make sense. I've yet to see a definitive this is the way to do it answer. I'm wondering if that is due to the high cost of HGH, and not enough people running / testing methods? Even in some of the post here by very well respected long time members you have a bit of a back and forth about the correct way of running / testing etc etc. Although a lot of the HGH post are fairly old...like 8+ years. Not to mention the long term commitment to running it.
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This is what I do I wake up 4am immediately pinn 2ius
Then I pinn 2ius at night after I workout. Ive had several people tell me not to eat at least a couple hours after so thats what I do.
What kind are u gonna run? Have u seen any test results on it yet?

I was just about to ask if you dropped down to 2ius due to side effects, but I read your post wrong. I knew you had been running 4, and thought you were saying you were only taking 2ius now. Speaking of which though, how are you doing on sides?
I was just about to ask if you dropped down to 2ius due to side effects, but I read your post wrong. I knew you had been running 4, and thought you were saying you were only taking 2ius now. Speaking of which though, how are you doing on sides?

I dont think the sides are going anywhere not one day goes by my hands aren't numb. I usually wake up a few times at night and have to walk around cuz my hands are really numb lol I dont get it yhat only happens in my sleep
I've been running it for a couple years (if you count the bunk stuff at times) for fat loss/anti-aging more than anything but I also like eating junk food and it seems to do the trick for me although I'm not that old. I have just been running 3ius ED for a few months because miraculously I stumbled across some legit rips and that was enough to stiffen up the hands :) I have tried doing it right upon awakening and right before bed. First thing in the morning and the post workout. First thing in the morning and pre workout. All of it right before bed. My personal favorite is as soon as I wake up (1.5ius) and again early afternoon/pre workout (1.5ius) a couple hours after I eat lunch but I will say I haven't seen a major different in any of them because your levels will stay sky rocketed if its good stuff regardless of the time IMO. Everyone is different. Everyone has their opinion. And everyone thinks they know it all. Haha. Good luck to you.