hi everyone how's it going. 3 years ago I went for a check up at the docs


New member
hi everyone how's it going. 3 years ago I went for a check up at the docs, and found out my blood wasn't right, they said I had hemochromatosis and polycythaemia, I think the latter one was from the steroids I was doing, anyway after a big struggle stopping the steroids which I hated and my treatment taken pints of blood from me everything's ok, I still need treatment buts its under control. anyway call me stupid but last week iv started the gear back up after a 3 year break. what id like to ask anyone is apart from taken blood from me has anyone got any advise, a safe steroid, anything what can help me
Man your health is the most important thing do you really want to use gear again especially if you think it has already caused you 1 medical problem???

Whatever you do don't use DECA I'd stay away from all 19 nors if you really want to use gear this is probably one of the only times I'd say run it by your doc but as all aas has some ability to thicken your blood and or increase red blood cells / increase hemo I would say no lol
Maybe HGH or peptides or mk 677 oral peptide maybe maybe be safe man
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Welcome and please start your own thread next time to keep order on our boards.
deca and sus, that is what im using, I know deca gives you more blood cells on top of what iv got all ready, so its not good really. thing is last time I was on gear, I never had a break, must of been on it for a couple of years no cycle, what im thinking this time is do it properly, 8 weeks on 8 off, give my body a break
so what would you say, instead of the deca, deca and sus are the only steroid I know, iv never taken anything elce and im not right up on deferent steroids, I haven't got a clue, thanks for your help
so what would you say, instead of the deca, deca and sus are the only steroid I know, iv never taken anything elce and im not right up on deferent steroids, I haven't got a clue, thanks for your help

No worries man well like I said I would never use DECA again if I were you lgd is a sarm similar to DECA with less sides or some mk 677 to get some GH levels rising or if your looking at aas test possibly d bol cycle or test winstrol test and var ect ect