Hi I'm new


New member
whassup guys, I'm not new to the use of steroids or steroids in general but now have stumbled across this forum and it sparked my interest, but I have a couple of questions about all these conversion kits and how this is done and why?
Are people doing this because it's cheaper or are you able to get legal stuff and convert it at home into steroids?
it is fun :) and yes... a lot cheaper .. and you know whats in it. But .. on the draw back ... it is not as clean as it would be in a lab environment .. and it takes patient and you might lose some gear due to crashing or experimenting!
That's right bro, I agree with Budlite74 on this one, I think that one of the main reasons is when you make it you know whats in your gear!
But a lot dont make it right and end up jacking themselves up!
When i came here i was new to this whole idea myself bro. Just stick around and read as much info as possible before you jump into anything.

The bros around here are real helpful so dont be afraid to ask questions.
