High Alt means liver/kidneys are stressed?


Throwing Cookies
Here are my recent blood test results.
Started cycle around 255lbs down to 237 now eating about 300-400 below Maintince and watching carbs
700mg Tren e/ week 16 weeks (on week 12)
500mg test e/ week 16 weeks
Stane 12.5 ED
Clen 80mcg/day 2 weeks on/2weeks off
T3 120mcg/day
Had some bunk caber and took me a while to get new source in. Prob stupid but I took 1mg 2x a week and crashed my prolactin. Actually took 1mg caber the night before the blood test. Gonna back that down to .5mg 2x a week.
Wanted to run var last 4 weeks. Should I not? Still have about 3 weeks of Tren left. Suggestions?

Also, not seeing many estro sides but gonna up the state to 25 ED any other comments welcome.
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ALT is liver values. Your at 70 which is a bit high. You only have one liver man. I will say I had an elevated number of 60, where yours is 70, and my Dr told me it was only slightly elevated but I will also tell you this was after taking Harvoni for 8 weeks to fight off hep c virus. So, all that said, your case may be different. I would just urge u to tread lightly as, again, u only have one liver. Hopefully someone can give u better insight on it. If not you may want to think about pulling the plug on this blast..honestly 16 weeks seems long anyways for tren. No?
I bet it is the tren doing it. Tren is pretty harsh and I would personally not stay any longer than 10 weeks on it. Start taking some NAC. I usually take about 1200 mg a day while on cycle and 600 mg a day off cycle. Also stay away from prescription drugs and alcohol. I still believe once done with the tren they will level out. Good luck !!
So crashing my prolactin is no big deal?

I'm not qualified to say yes or no to your question but I will tell you that as men we don't need prolactin....it benefits us nothing. Again, I don't know if "crashing" it is safe or not, sorry.
So crashing my prolactin is no big deal?

I've yet to read anything suggesting that we men need prolactin for much more than a refractory period after sex. This is why dopamine agonists make us sex machines; the cool down period drops to almost nothing.

I'm with transporter on this in that tren is liver toxic, and NAC should have been part of your supplements to help resist the strain on your liver. I'd recommend UDCA at this point, but as you only have four weeks left, just start up the NAC now and stay on it. It's a GREAT supplement that's really underestimated in its worth.
I've yet to read anything suggesting that we men need prolactin for much more than a refractory period after sex. This is why dopamine agonists make us sex machines; the cool down period drops to almost nothing.

I'm with transporter on this in that tren is liver toxic, and NAC should have been part of your supplements to help resist the strain on your liver. I'd recommend UDCA at this point, but as you only have four weeks left, just start up the NAC now and stay on it. It's a GREAT supplement that's really underestimated in its worth.

Hell the folks at the local GNC know me by because of NA'C lol. I usually take 1200mgs/day but during my current tren blast I upped to 1800 to be safe, can't hurt. The stuff works. Before I got treated for hep c my Dr told me to stay on it because he could tell it was bringing my liver numbers down thru labs.