High BF%


New member
I was wondering if anyone has ran a cycle with a high % of body fat, not ridiculously high like 16%-20% and if so what were your results? Pics would be great. I'm about to start a cycle and my bf isn't ideal, but I'm working hard and shedding fat faster than Broncos fans are shedding Tebow jerseys!! Thanks for your feed back.
i did a cycle at 18% horrible idea for me... i gained 20lbs and everyone just told me i got fat... it was depressing... it did push me to a diet and im now sitting at 11-12%
lol at the Denver comment

I am also looking for this advice. Ace/Prop cycle, bf is definitely not ideal but I'm killing the cardio and diet is very clean. Tone, harden, minor bulk, and obviously drop the bf...
Most people are going to do what they want no matter what our opinions are. I say go for it, only if you can get your diet and training spot on. Otherwise, save yourself some gear until you do. If I'm paying for and injecting something into my body.. I want to maximize my results. You may lose some body fat without a spot on diet or workout regime...but also might gain it back once you're "off".

Find a lifestyle change for your food intake which you can stick with. Lose a few % naturally. Once you get it down, add your juice and it will sky rocket you to the next level.
the NFL is full of fat bastards. Also you see that big dude squatting; I think he is the strongest guy on earth (I think) and he uses juice. :insane:

But alot of people use juice for different shit, some to look better others to train harder just depends. Personally had I known pinning sucks cock I would have done a Test and anavar cycle.
thanks for the advice guys. I dont want to be huge I just want to get hard and toned. with proper diet and exercise I think the gear will give me a little boost and edge to take it further faster. Is this a ridiculous thing to expect?
if part of your goal is to tone and harden (which your going for a good look) i say drop the weight first, get down to a min 12-15% then run your cycle. I could guarantee you would be alot happier with these results then running closer to that 20%
I truly believe if you can control your test/estrogen ratio it is prudent to cycle while losing weight. Reason being you maintain your lean body mass while cycling so much better.

I have run test e and tren A for 12 weeks and lost 26 pounds, all of which was bodyfat. I would estimate my bf was over 20% in the beginning. Interesting thing is I had gyno when I went through puberty and I have zero issues with it now even with a high bf while cycling, with proper Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct), of course. I believe my issue when I was younger were due to a relatively high estro level compared to dht. I say this because I tended to carry bf in my chest and legs and of course I had a small amount of gyno. I believe now if I can keep my DHT levels relatively high compared to estro (like when I’m cycling) it actually helps the body weight I tend to accumulate in my chest and legs. Lets face it chubby little kids all of a sudden become muscular and androgenic because they received an influx of test naturally.

Now of course all of this is contingent upon you understanding what your hormonal levels are after being tested. If this isn’t done your kind of taking a guess on what and how much you should be taking. Just my two cents but I am forever grateful to myself for cycling while cutting weight (while a fat ass). It has enabled me to maintain a tremendous amount of lean muscle while shedding fat. Good luck.