High blood pressure and AAS?


New member
Is it safe to be on AAS with high blood pressure? Can I start off with a milder compound instead of mixing several while on medication.
Is it safe to be on AAS with high blood pressure? Can I start off with a milder compound instead of mixing several while on medication.

Side effects from AAS are largely controllable, and preventable. They can increase blood pressure, but at moderate doses, this is largely due to poor estradiol control. At high doses, there isn't much you can do except medicate with blood pressure meds.

I am on bp meds myself, and am able to keep things from getting crazy through watching sodium, taking cialis (amazing stuff!), controlling estradiol, and knowing my limits. So it is possible if you're willing to put in the effort.

What's your corrected blood pressure look like, and what's your body fat at? Oh, if by milder AAS you're thinking orals like anavar - forget it. There's a sticky at the top of the forum called the FAQ's; spend some time reading them, and you'll understand why. ;)

My .02c :)
Its not called the silent killer for nothing and is one of the biggest dangers of aas use. You have to constantly monitor and mange it and having a pre existing hypertensive condition emphasizes this need even more. Half asked some great questions- interested in your replies.
Last check about a month ago was around 188/63. Im only 25 and have heart conditions in my family as well as strokes. Heart attacks have occured in several of my family members.
This is off the Mayo Clinic. You have experienced a Hypertensive Crisis. That is a serious matter. You should see a doctor immediately.

A hypertensive crisis is a severe increase in blood pressure that can lead to a stroke. Extremely high blood pressure — a top number (systolic pressure) of 180 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or higher or a bottom number (diastolic pressure) of 120 mm Hg or higher — damages blood vessels. They become inflamed and may leak fluid or blood. As a result, the heart may not be able to pump blood effectively.

Causes of a hypertensive emergency include:

Forgetting to take your blood pressure medication
Heart attack
Heart failure
Kidney failure
Rupture of your body's main artery (aorta)
Interaction between medications
Convulsions during pregnancy (eclampsia)

A hypertensive crisis is divided into two categories: urgent and emergency. In an urgent hypertensive crisis, your blood pressure is extremely high, but your doctor doesn't suspect you have any damage to your organs. In an emergency hypertensive crisis, your blood pressure is extremely high and has caused damage to your organs. An emergency hypertensive crisis can be associated with life-threatening complications.

Signs and symptoms of a hypertensive crisis that may be life–threatening may include:

Severe chest pain
Severe headache, accompanied by confusion and blurred vision
Nausea and vomiting
Severe anxiety
Shortness of breath

If you experience a severe increase in your blood pressure, seek immediate medical attention. Treatment for hypertensive crisis may include hospitalization for treatment with oral or intravenous medications.
Last check about a month ago was around 188/63. Im only 25 and have heart conditions in my family as well as strokes. Heart attacks have occured in several of my family members.

What time was this done, and this is WITH meds? I'm on meds, and I tend to sit around 118/52 give or take, but if I were to take my bp after going to the gym, it is MUCH higher.

If that's your corrected blood pressure and you were resting during the measurement, you may want to talk to your doctor some more as whatever he has you on isn't cutting it. I would avoid AAS until you get that squared away and even then, I'd tread VERY lightly.
Halfwit, Ive never been on any blood pressure medication. The blood pressure was checked when I took three weeks off for school. Ive had high blood pressure since I was a teen.
I was on BP medicine but have been off it for close to a year now after using L-Arginine at a dose
of around 6,000 mg's a day.

Just had my labs and BP checked last week and all was good.

Fish oil does help... but L-Arginine does wonders and I highly recommend trying it for anyone
with high BP.

The only challenge is that I'm taking 6-8 pills a day, which is no big deal but when you add it to all
the other stuff we're taking - it's just a little more work than taking one BP pill... but well worth it.
Halfwit, Ive never been on any blood pressure medication. The blood pressure was checked when I took three weeks off for school. Ive had high blood pressure since I was a teen.

You need to see your doctor. While I won't use scary terms like hypertensive crisis, I will tell you that you're risking an early death by not taking control of the situation.

Repo offers a good suggestion, unfortunately it doesn't work for everyone - but it's worth looking into.
You need to see your doctor. While I won't use scary terms like hypertensive crisis, I will tell you that you're risking an early death by not taking control of the situation.

Repo offers a good suggestion, unfortunately it doesn't work for everyone - but it's worth looking into.

and the fact you have family history and have heart issues.... i would avoid AAS, atleast for now till you have everything well.

sea algae (DHEA extract) or fishoil i rec daily for you though
Does high BP cause excessive sweating? I get hot really easily and sweat a bunch. I get really sweaty without doing anything physical. I can get hot in cool environments
Does high BP cause excessive sweating? I get hot really easily and sweat a bunch. I get really sweaty without doing anything physical. I can get hot in cool environments

Nope, that's something completely different (likely a sympathetic nervous system being overactive). There really aren't any symptoms of high blood pressure until it's at the point where you are causing damage.

On the bright side, it's only your systolic (top) that's wonky. Diastolic numbers over 100 for long periods of time is bad juju.

Edit: Unless you're on right now. Then there's a different reason altogether for the heat and sweats. ;)
i was a medic for 9 years.. and at your age, at that blood pressure, i would have taken you straight to an er..


also, whats your current weight and height?
3J, like someone said that it has no symptoms. But I get easily hot and sweat a whole bunch. But it only started a year or so ago when my BP got really high and its stayed this high for a while. Like when the weather is comfortable for normal people I get hot. Im always stressed and my anxiety is always high.