High blood pressure problem 3 weeks into Trenavar cycle, should I stop?


New member
Hey guys,
I started my cycle 3 weeks ago by using R.A.M by geared up nutrition, which is basically trenavar at 30mg per day. I am taking Talos and Aegis by antaeus labs, which are a cycle support and liver support, additionallly I am taking some omega 3's, a multivitamin, and inhibit-P to lower prolactin (just to be safe) although I don't see any puffiness. I am 29, 5 8' and 185 pounds, my bf is around 19%. My last cycle was about 8 months ago and I follow the same supps mentioned above and I ran it for 4-5 weeks. However, during this cycle I am experiencing headaches due to an elevation in bp ~145/~85 right after the workout and it takes about 6-10 hours before it levels off to about 120-125/70-80. I am concerned because this didn't happen the last time around and the headaches + high bp + high heart rate are annoying during and after the workout (I am concerned, since this is my first experience with such side effects). I usually take a pct starting the last week of the cycle that lasts for 8 weeks. I am on my 3ed week of trenavar, I am thinking of switching to Halodrol, for the last two weeks since I have both trenavar and Halodrol in store. Does H-drol have a smaller impact on bp? will that be a good idea or should I just stop the cycle completely and run a PCT.

Note: The side effects started 3-4 days ago, before that bp would not go this high and would level off fairly quickly.

Thank you in advance!
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