High Estradiol Levels going into cycle


New member
Hi Bros I hope this is posted in the correct area of the board if not Im sorry.
I had my blood labs run for the first time and had a couple questions I was hoping you can shed some light on for me. My stats are 33 years old, 220lbs 6'1, 14%bf I have ran different cycles over the last few years without any labs due to no insurance etc. Ok so I went to a doctor to get my labs done to see if I could get onto TRT. I was approved for 250mg of test cyp pw. I want to run Tren E along side the TRT dossage. The lab levels show that my Estradiol is high at 48.7 pg/ml while everything else checked out ok, Test came back at 600. The way I understand it is that I need to lower my estradiol levels so that it frees up receptors for the compunds to bind to. I asked my doctor and they told me to go to gnc and buy a esto blocker WHICH I DONT HAVE much faith in. If im going to run the trt dose of test cyp and Tren e 500mg pw what do I need to run to fix my esto problem? post cycle therapy (pct) AND Aromatase inhibitor (AI) compounds are confusing and it seems like i find 10 different answers on the boards. Other than I cant use Nolv due to the tren im kinda at a loss.