Side Effects of Deca
For the anabolic steroid using population, certain steroids are often more popular due to their tremendous power; sometimes they're popular for their remarkably versatile nature or high level of toleration. Then there are certain steroids, although powerfully effective are in some circles feared beyond belief due to possible side-effects, and in some circles, Deca-Durabolin (Deca) is such a steroid. There are no two ways about it; Deca is one of the most effective mass promoting steroids on earth, and while the side-effects of Deca are undoubtedly real they are often grossly misunderstood. Nandrolone-Decanoate, the official name of the compound is one of the most well-tolerated anabolic steroids we have at our disposal for the healthy adult male, and while many fear the side-effects of Deca, in most cases, it's because they really don't know how to use it.
The truth is relatively straightforward; Deca will promote quality mass in a more efficient fashion than most anabolic steroids; it may not be fast acting, but quality mass is exactly what it can provide. Further, while the side-effects of Deca can become problematic, if we educate ourselves on the hormonal compound we can use it safely; in-fact, most healthy adult men who supplement responsibly will never have a problem with the side-effects of Deca. It must be stated; there will be those who educate themselves on the hormone, and they supplement in a responsible fashion, but they still fall prey to adverse reactions; such is the nature of life. There are those who can't take certain over the counter medications, there are those who can't eat certain foods, but most of us can do all of these things. With all of this in mind, let's take a look at the side-effects of Deca, what we can do about them, and in-turn, hopefully lead you to successful supplementation.
Deca Dick
It is the one side-effect of Deca that is feared by most men, and it is also the easiest to prevent; we're talking about what is often referred to as "Deca Dick." Deca Dick simply refers to the inability to maintain or even obtain an erection, and it can also include a severely suppressed libido; not only can you not perform, but your desire for sexual activity is found tremendously lacking. The reason for such an occurrence is straightforward; when we supplement with anabolic steroids our natural testosterone production is suppressed. The steroids we're supplementing with can vary in-terms of how profoundly they suppress production, but in the case of Deca-Durabolin or any Nandrolone compound we have an anabolic steroid that causes total suppression. A mere 100mg of Deca will be enough to completely suppress all testosterone production, a single 100mg injection, and as testosterone largely controls erectile function and libido the dreaded Deca Dick can occur.
For the reasons stated above, when we supplement with Deca we must provide ourselves adequate amounts of exogenous testosterone; the form is inconsequential, all that matters is enough testosterone is provided. While this will stave off Deca Dick, it will also protect from all the other problems associated with a low testosterone condition; a low testosterone condition is not something of high desire, as such a condition can be extremely unhealthy. At any rate, the side-effects of Deca of this nature can easily be avoided with testosterone supplementation, but in many cases, those who still suffer simply do so because they have not provided their body enough testosterone. For every 100mg of Deca-Durabolin, most men will need at least 150mg of testosterone, while others will need as much as 200mg; some may need even more, but these dosing levels will work well for most men. If you provide such a remedy, there is no reason on earth for the side-effects of Deca that surround low testosterone to ever exist.
Possible Side-Effects of Deca
While testosterone suppression is guaranteed with Deca use, there are other side-effects of Deca that while possible are by no means guaranteed. By-and-large, these side-effects surround this steroidal compounds slight aromatizing and progestin nature; while it doesn't aromatize heavily, it's still enough to warrant caution. Of these side-effects of Deca, first and foremost is Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement which can be caused by both the aromatizing and progestin factors. There is also the issue of excess water retention, largely brought on by its aromatizing nature, and this can even have a negative impact on blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
While none of the possible side-effects of Deca will ever be desired by any man, fortunately each one can be avoided, and all it takes is easily within your grasp. In-order to combat such issues, the first line of defense will be an aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Arimidex or Letrozole; an AI will protect against Gynecomastia produced by aromatase or progestin. Further, an AI will also protect against water retention and can even have a positive impact on blood pressure and cholesterol, but your diet will also play a massive role. Many men who hold water due to Deca use often do even with AI use, and in most cases, it's not the steroid's fault; they're simply eating too much, and it's more than likely too many carbohydrates. By controlling your diet and supplementing with an AI, excess water retention won't be a large concern; further, by controlling your diet, eating a blood pressure and cholesterol friendly diet these issues will be protected; assuming your blood pressure and cholesterol levels were healthy to begin with.