Highest gains reported


New member
Whats most the gains weight wise one could get out of a 12 week cycle of tren e an test e not going past 500 mg on both steroids...? Assuming everything is in place g2g diet, training etc...? I have been researching alot on other forums an so far its around 20 lbs evan at dosing higher than 500+ and lower dosing under =500.... So in the end its better to run lower dose cycles because you will still some what make the game gains in that 12 week period?.. Sometimes you bump because your body does become adjusted to the dosing..? Correct me im wrong please:wiggle:
The way I understand it is people are told to start at lower doses to see how their bodies react to a certain amount of test. I do believe at higher doses, more gains are made up to a certain point. There is a point in dosaging where estrogen production becomes too great of a factor from the increased conversion. This is where the other steroids that work differently then just raising test come in to play. As far as the amounts? I don't have an answer as everyone is different. Again, this is all the way I've understood it, I could be a little off.
Assuming that your body fat is in the normal to low range, IMHO, your gains on any cycle are largely dependent on caloric intake, proper training, and REST. There are still many factors that effect gains... Age, general health, genetics, etc...
You can never plan on a set ammount of gain. Steroids are not magic. They merely write instructions telling your body what to do. Like an architect's blueprint. But you are the builder. How your body carries out those instructions depends on the kind of foundation you have built, the quality of the raw materials you use, and your skills as a builder.
That being said, higher doses don't necessarily help you build better. Especially if your foundation is weak. I've done reasonable cycles with good gains and massive cycles with no better than good gains. And, to my surprise, the best gains I've had so far came from my last cycle. A simple 500/wk Sustanon (sust) cycle with no orals. Amazing! I can only surmise that not taxing my body with too many heavy drugs and ancillaries allowed it to function better. I felt better, slept better, ate better, and trained with overall high energy. I didn't feel all "juiced up" or edgy like I did at higher doses. So less is somewhat more.... At least in my case.
I'm in PCT now... That sucks... But I haven't lost an ounce of gain so far. My next planned cycle is gonna be 300 test/ 600 tren.... Simple and clean. Can't wait!
Its just like it is in economics and the medical field. In economics you learn about diminishing Returns where when you keep adding an input (this case a higher dosage) after a set point you no longer get the same ratio to output. You can keep adding Inputs or keep increasing the dose and the returns you get will slowly diminish. In the medical field you always want to use the MINIMAL dose to get the desired effect. Going above that increases the likelihood of side effects and again, once you get past the maximum effective dose you no longer get better effects. It's better to start out lower and increase as needed bc once you start upping your doses and compounds, you will always need those high doses and compounds to get an effect. In essence you start off closer to the feeling and have not much room to work with. If you start off with 1g test per week what will you do on your 5th cycle? To to 3g and have ridiculous sides??
Whats most the gains weight wise one could get out of a 12 week cycle of tren e an test e not going past 500 mg on both steroids...? Assuming everything is in place g2g diet, training etc...? I have been researching alot on other forums an so far its around 20 lbs evan at dosing higher than 500+ and lower dosing under =500.... So in the end its better to run lower dose cycles because you will still some what make the game gains in that 12 week period?.. Sometimes you bump because your body does become adjusted to the dosing..? Correct me im wrong please:wiggle:
Nobody can tell you how much you can gain from a 12 week cycle. There are WAY too many variables here such as current body mass, anabolic state of your body (leaner is more anabolic), diet, exercise regimen, genetic response to AAS, et cetera. I do agree with jkr in that lower doses are recommended for sides, but also because you might make the same gains from a far lower dose than thought. There are some guys here that make really good gains on doses slightly higher than my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doses, so it's entirely possible to see diminishing returns at moderate doses.

My .02c :)
it can vary. 500mg tren is a BIG dose for tren.. i would be happy with 8lb in 12 weeks of REAL muscle (not water) if you expect 20lb in a cycle you might be expecting too much ( if first cycle or two or you are very below your potential its possible). picture 1 or 2lb of steak... you growing that will take time with or without aas.
if you are new to aas i rec sticking to test for a few cycles and leaving tren for a bit, its over hyped and sides can be harsh. imo
Whats most the gains weight wise one could get out of a 12 week cycle of tren e an test e not going past 500 mg on both steroids...? Assuming everything is in place g2g diet, training etc...? I have been researching alot on other forums an so far its around 20 lbs evan at dosing higher than 500+ and lower dosing under =500.... So in the end its better to run lower dose cycles because you will still some what make the game gains in that 12 week period?.. Sometimes you bump because your body does become adjusted to the dosing..? Correct me im wrong please:wiggle:

dbol @ 50mg, arimidex @ .25 ed and test @ 500mg for 15 weeks, on blast i put bout 30-35 pounds, after getting off dbol i gained like 20-25 pounds :D
Good responses i was just curious and asking right now im tren e test e 2:1 ratio 250 mg of test 500 mg tren... Im up 14 lbs in 8 weeks... I just here alot of over hyped cycles were the expectations are alot higher with ppl saying they ran the cycle only added 10+ plus pounds were expecting 20+ bla bla... The heights gains ive ever gotten was from deca an anadrol 30+ pounds last year loved it :)
Good responses i was just curious and asking right now im tren e test e 2:1 ratio 250 mg of test 500 mg tren... Im up 14 lbs in 8 weeks... I just here alot of over hyped cycles were the expectations are alot higher with ppl saying they ran the cycle only added 10+ plus pounds were expecting 20+ bla bla... The heights gains ive ever gotten was from deca an anadrol 30+ pounds last year loved it :)

What dose were you running for test and deca?
500 test E 500 DECA I slowly bumped it up in a 15 week cycle... I do a DECA cycle once a year for winter then cut come spring.....