Holidays: To Diet or Not?


New member
Amidst the holiday season, do you maintain your diet through the holidays or do you cheat? Especially over Thanksgiving, I found it difficult to "stay on track"... What methods do you use to overcome those holiday pounds?

I struggled with this very question. I decided I work hard enough the other 11 months out of the year that I can afford to get a little sloppy here and there during the holidays. I try to limit my poor eating to one day. Ie:thanksgiving, Xmas, or Xmas eve, then again either new years or new years eve. I try not to let it turn into a 2 or 3 day eating fest.
Going to Lil Itlay tonight w/ my girl. Its our anniversary of when we met/ xmas in NY big day. She looks forward to it. We go for dinner then see the Tree. I`m gonna order chix parm and whateevr other meat and kinda scrape the cheese to the side (but I`ll eat a little). Screw the pasta. Nice salad. 1 glass of red w/ dinner and lots and lots of water!! But the big thing I will do is really be careful all day on how and what I eat.
I'm running Test & Tren in my bulk blast. A few days of cheating over the holidays is not going to cause me to stare in the mirror looking for new fat deposits...

Come March or April however.......... ;)