Holyfield VS. James Toney!!!!

James Toney won the fight with a 9th rd. TKO......Holyfield's corner stopped the fight because they felt he was taking too many punches.
That fight was total domination. You have to feel bad for the real deal.

Tyson Holyfield III anyone?
I thought Toney was a washed up fighter after ROy Jones demolished him more than once years ago.How many weight classes did he jump for this fight?
70w30 said:
I thought Toney was a washed up fighter after ROy Jones demolished him more than once years ago.How many weight classes did he jump for this fight?

His weight for the last fight he was in was 190lbs. and last night for the Holyfield fight he came in weighing 217lbs., Toney was 27lbs. heavier and it did not look like it affected his speed at all!
I did feel sorry for Holyfield though.......he is a class act and a true warrior in the ring, he is 41 now and even though he still looks like he is in the best shape of his life I guess he can't punch and move like he did in the past because Toney did dominate the whole fight! I really can't see Holyfield fight Tyson again that would really be ugly!!!!! I would like to see a Tyson VS. Toney match, since they both talk shit maybe they could beat the fuck out of each other!!!!:p
dbolme said:
That fight was total domination. You have to feel bad for the real deal.

Tyson Holyfield III anyone?

I think Holyfield should retire. Anyone else?