homeade test?


New member
I made up my eq, and test yesterday, my eq came out fine but my test seems to have some visible seperation it, should I just heat it up evereytime before I enject, will this solve the problem?
bro.....what type of test did you use. if you used cyp. then you have to put 2 % of ba and 20 % of bb. and you have to heat the solution up (oil, ba, and powder) until it is clear(homogenous).
I actually used test e.....I used 2% ba as per directed, I did heat the mixture up until it was clear...but once it cooled off it seemed to have a little bit of seperation in it.
what kind of seperation? does it look like it has some swirls of oil in it? or is the hormone falling out of solution (crystals)?
nuttz565 said:
It has swirls of oil in it

thats fine. fire away.

i alway sheat my gear before injects just to make it flow better.,esp long ester gear as it is normally a little thicker.
pullinbig said:
thats fine. fire away.

i alway sheat my gear before injects just to make it flow better.,esp long ester gear as it is normally a little thicker.

'Sheat' your gear????
Is that a new method you've been keeping from us??

Sorry I couldnt resist and felt like I had to add to a post, any post in fact, just to show that I am still alive and well!! :)

But seriously, i am curious to know how many mg/ml you made your Test E at? I have never had it crash on me and it has been extremely high...

Currently mine is at 600mg/ml with 2% BA (If I remember correctly) With that mg/ml you must heat it cos its a bitch inject if not almost impossible.. ( without severe movement of the syringe when injecting). Slight clouding or swirls is no problem, but especialy with Test E you shouldnt have either.

My 2 cents,

I made it at 250mg/ml.......I followed dougo's instructions in the sticky on the 10g test,deca,eq

Well, I would say that something is wrong...

There is no way it should crash, or look cloudy.. At room temp it should be crystal clear, even with no BA... Test E is one of the few powders that you can convert with no solvent.. Just add oil to the powder, heat, stir, filter, bake! Its that easy.. I guess the first question might be what temp is the place you are storing the vial? In a room, or fridge? if its at room temp it should be clear. The next question might be are you 100%sure that it is Test E? Having said that Test E is so cheap I am not sure that a company would try and palm you off with any thing else..
