Homebrew Test Cyp solidifies lol!!!


New member
Hi there hope all you bro's are as well as can be... :afro:

Homebrewing Test Cyp, the powder seems to dissolve ok, but when heat is removed/stop stiring it starts to what appears to be crystalize! Not sure if there are crystals forming but it certainly turns solid, clumpy, moist. This happens over a period of several hours if heat is removed.

Ingredients :

50 ml BA
760 ml OIL
250g Test Cyp powder

I used alot of heat when trying to get the cyp to dissolve, wondering if i've messed up the cyp?

I've brewed Tren loadsa times with no probs but now this...

I bet i'm doing something idiotic, I would really appreciate some help here, is my cyp now rubbish? why the solidification? shall i just shoot it when warm and not solid???

Quick background on little old me : training on/off for 12 years (aged 30 now), 5'8", 207lbs, 12% bf, aiming to get lean (diet - arrrgghh lol!)
5% BA wont hold cyp. add 15% bb and you good to go. end up at a bout 200mg/ml.

use enan next time and youll only need 10ml/1liter of ba as a preservative. enan is soluable in oil while cyp is not (its listed as so but its fickle as hell)
And just a suggestion, you may want to do a smaller batch if you are not sure of a recipe. Not that you ruined your gear, but it sucks sometimes having to rearrange your schedule cause you fucked up the conversion.

Good luck.
That is a serious conversion, what did you mix it in a tupperware? Id hate to be the man who has to filter that, jeeeeeesus.
NYCEE said:
That is a serious conversion, what did you mix it in a tupperware? Id hate to be the man who has to filter that, jeeeeeesus.

Its actually not that bad. 200g makes approx 1000ml at 200mg/ml. I have just started using Nalgene Bottle Top filters that have a capacity of 500ml a piece. Got a 1000ml beaker, heat up the brew, pour it in the top, hook up vacuum source, pump up to about 10lbs of pressure, and let gravity do the rest. Its simple and takes about 25-30mins to filter 500ml.
pullinbig, forgive my ignorance bro but is 15% BB easy to get? My supplier only lists 5% BA or BB, I'm not after any names but I'm hoping obtaining 15% is just a case of doing some legwork? Yes I won't be doing Cyp again, hey atleast I know my powder's real tho' lol!

RJH, advice heeded!

NYCEE, yes just run of the mill tupperware, cleaned and sterilised as best as I could. I did shoot 2ml of the end product before it recrystalised, that was a few days ago and i feel ok/the injection site is fine.

It will take ages to filter but I suppose just being patient is whats needed plus as mentioned heat really does help.

Need to find some 15% BB.

DOH! Edited to add I've just realised how dumb I can be lol!! I thought the % of BA/BB relates to the strength of the BA/BB i.e. comes in different strengths such as 5, 10, 15%!! Just clicked 15% BB means 15% of the total mixture should be BB....jesus I can be silly at times I blame women they wreck my head and stress me out. Ok will order me BB to add to the brew..

ps thx you guys for helping.
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You dont need 15% bb, you need straight bb, and the proper amount should be added to your conversion so the final product is 15% bb . Does that help clear things up?

NYCEE said:
You dont need 15% bb, you need straight bb, and the proper amount should be added to your conversion so the final product is 15% bb . Does that help clear things up?


Yes i've edited my post just as you've spotted my mistake, thx bro...
I want to see pictures of these large amounts of gear from somebody. Either in the manufacturing process or completed product or both.
mranak said:
I want to see pictures of these large amounts of gear from somebody. Either in the manufacturing process or completed product or both.

you wanna see someones lab? now how smart woud that be to post pics of that? we are being watched you know.
pullinbig said:
you wanna see someones lab? now how smart woud that be to post pics of that? we are being watched you know.
Who said everyone who ran a lab was smart? :p

1000 mL batches at a time. That's just for personal use, isn't it?

I suppose that pictures don't have to be posted to the public forum, but I see your point.
when you coming to clayton? we wide open right now, 900lb squats, 700lb deads and benches happening all the time.
hi guys yes it's for personal use and i agree i should have done a much smaller batch as i'd never brewed cyp before, lesson learnt!

waiting on the BB at the moment, when it arrives will add to brew and post an update...

thanks again very much appreciated...


ps some BIG weights being mentioned there! not quite in the league of the lifts above but I've done a 572lbs dead (with straps), 396lbs bench press, not too shabby at my bodyweight.
apologies for dragging this up to the top again but just to update the brew is now fine now that i've added more BB (as of yesterday).

Many Thanks...