

Local Gym Rat
If you get the powder and create your mixtures is the finished product a human grade steriod or is it a vet. grade steriod? please help my confusion.
"Human grade" is just a name we give anabolics that were produced specifically for human use, usually availible by prescription through legit pharmacies (companies like jelfa, organon, lilly, shering, astra zenica etc etc.) "Vet" gear is just gear that wasnt made with the strict set of guidlines that a pharmaceutical company must adhere to when producing human grade stuff (Pet pharma, QV, etc). What do you get when you make your own gear? Call it what you will, it works regarless of its "grade".
its all good no matter what though dougy right....I just heard through the grape vine that the human grade didnt hurt as much and was alot better as far as results go. is this true dougy...I trust you more than my other source cause you are da man.
It's all as good as you make it bro. With homebrew, you do run a risk of fucking something up, but as long as you take the time to do it right it'll be just as good.