

New member
After crushing fina pellets and mixing them with the dissolving solution. Should I take the top off of the bottle and let the dissolving solution evaporate or just add the oil right away? Usually I heat up the mixture in boiling water to make sure everything is dissolved, then I add the oil right away. But I was wondering if it really mattered. And should I make sure that all the dissolving solution is evaporated?
We should get this post over to the "Chemical Forum" for you so the mad chemist Bros in there can help you out.
the dissolving solution does NOT evaporate. its what holds the final solution since tren is not soluable in oil.

one the pelllets are dissolved add oil and shake well. let sit til it seperates out and you have a nice clear solution with fillers setteled to the bottom. then draw off the clear solution and filter. leave the gunk in the vial and do not try to filter this stuff.
Okay, one last question. If I had to add 40 ml of dissolving solution(Benzyl Alcohol), and I only added 28 ml of oil then this homebrew is gonna hurt like a bitch when I inject it because it has a high BA concentration, isn't it? Since I dissolved 8g of pellets, I should add 12 ml of oil at the end to make it 100mg/ml. Then that would be a 40/40 ratio of BA:Oil. That won't hurt that bad will it?
Straight BA is the dissolving solution that came in the kit. Well, I was thinking of adding more oil to dilute it a bit. I think i'll make it 75mg per ml instead of 100mg/ml. That is also better because you don't lose as much in the end of the syringe. You know, that part that you really want but just can't get at. Kinda like an itch in the brain. You know it's there but just can't do anything about it.

Yeah, that avatar makes me horny every time I look at it. But then again, so does fina.
jonjrambo said:
Straight BA is the dissolving solution that came in the kit. Well, I was thinking of adding more oil to dilute it a bit. I think i'll make it 75mg per ml instead of 100mg/ml. That is also better because you don't lose as much in the end of the syringe. You know, that part that you really want but just can't get at. Kinda like an itch in the brain. You know it's there but just can't do anything about it.

Yeah, that avatar makes me horny every time I look at it. But then again, so does fina.

who told you it was straight ba? and if it is get your kits somewhere else next time or make your own solvent.
never did like those kits.

next time bro just buy them seperately and you'll save alot of $$