Homebrewed Masteron


New member
I just finished up a batch of 100ml with 100mg/ml of Masteron. This was my first crack working with a powder and it went smooth. I've made EQ a couple of time before, but I was a little leary about the powders. After making this one, I can say I will never buy gear again and continue to make my own. It's fairly easy and a hell of a lot cheaper. Anyway, just thought I would share :D
Not much at all, in fact about the same as EQ. I haven't made any test or Deca yet. Deca will be my next one. I was a little concerned with chunks of powder that were at the bottom on the vial, even after shaking. But, I popped it in the oven at 275 and they cleared right up. I used a .45 whatham for the whole 100ml without a problem. I reheated one time to make it flow smoother.
Glad to see you found a new hobby. I know what you mean by 'never buying brand name again'! :)

They're all pretty much the same. It's soooo easy it's ridiculous.