This is a funny article considering I am teaching my wife currently how to train properly in the gym. While I do think what is said does apply to the vast majority there are a couple things that one should think about that is in a long term relationship like myself (18 years+).
1. Let them see the hot young bodies and make comparisons. Everyone needs a swift kick to the motivational pants once in awhile, we men compare ourselves all the time with the others - why can't they? In fact, we discuss this one gal we call "tramp stamp" because she likes to show off her lower back tattoo with her amazingly sculpted ass. I'm more than happy to show her the proper exercises that will someday afford her a hiney (not that hers is bad, but age does take its toll if we don't keep up on it) that she too can be showing off to the masses.
2. While it is a challenge sometimes to get her to listen to me, she knows that I've been doing this for well over 20 years and if the trainers at our gym can ask for my advice, she knows she can rely on it. I do however try to keep things as embarrassment free as possible, and when reminding her to breathe properly (inhale on negative, exhale on positive) I try not to shout it out so others can hear.
Yes, we do have our moments of "I can't do this right!", I just try to be as patient as possible. Knowing that eventually she won't need my guidance and can soon take things into her own hands.
3. Yes, I do find a slightly diminished experience in the gym when I have her in tow. I can't keep my headphones on full blast in both ears, but she more than reciprocates when we get home. If you know what I mean.
I find sharing "my time" helps to build our relationship and make it that much stronger. Besides, getting glances from the hotties in the spandex shorts and her noticing it reminds her I'm a man that is still desirable to others.
4. I'd rather take charge of her physical development than some greasy schmoe at Curves. I'm not a jealous man by any means, but if I have to look at the results, I'd like to have a hand in it.
Thank you for the pics at the end, they made my day! Love seeing women that take care of themselves and look amazing doing so!