Hi guys
Seems like I can't get the straight answer here.
My question is pretty simple.
It's about Deca .
I'm on week 6 of my cycle (300/mg)...and I'm starting to notice changes in my body. I'm getting noticably bigger.
I'll be doing 10 week cycle.
My question is:
1. How long deca is in your system after the last shot ? (I herad something about few months ??)
2. Are the best results/gains in 1/2 half of cycle ?
3. Is 10 week cycle enough for beginner (started cycle with dbols)
Seems like I can't get the straight answer here.
My question is pretty simple.
It's about Deca .
I'm on week 6 of my cycle (300/mg)...and I'm starting to notice changes in my body. I'm getting noticably bigger.
I'll be doing 10 week cycle.
My question is:
1. How long deca is in your system after the last shot ? (I herad something about few months ??)
2. Are the best results/gains in 1/2 half of cycle ?
3. Is 10 week cycle enough for beginner (started cycle with dbols)