How about DECA ????


New member
Hi guys

Seems like I can't get the straight answer here.
My question is pretty simple.
It's about Deca .
I'm on week 6 of my cycle (300/mg)...and I'm starting to notice changes in my body. I'm getting noticably bigger.
I'll be doing 10 week cycle.
My question is:

1. How long deca is in your system after the last shot ? (I herad something about few months ??)

2. Are the best results/gains in 1/2 half of cycle ?

3. Is 10 week cycle enough for beginner (started cycle with dbols)
1 if your talking detection time 18 months, if your talking about when can you start post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks.

2 your blood consintrations will be leveled off in the last half, so make sure your taking in enough calories to make gains.

3 10 weeks is enough.

Thank you for quick reply.

RE: #1
Well, I heard after last shot...deca still remains in your system (for 3 months) and you can still make good gains. Is this true ?
Week 1-5 I did not notice much of gains...just strength.
But now (on week 6)...I can see nice results.
I guess for next month I should expect more gains.
drummer said:
Thank you for quick reply.

RE: #1
Well, I heard after last shot...deca still remains in your system (for 3 months) and you can still make good gains. Is this true ?

No not true......the half-life is something like 12 days
A single shot of nandro deco of 100mg will shut you down for 30 days. One shot.

Its not the best choice IMHO.
Also...the half-life of Deca is not as long as alot of people think. It's actually just 6 days.
say you were going to be tested for long would Deca be detectable by these tests from after your last shot???
drummer said:
Hi guys

2. Are the best results/gains in 1/2 half of cycle ?

Yes you will see some of the best gains at the end of your cycle well at least I did and keep your traing and eating in check after you are done and you should continue to get good gains a week or 2 after your last shot
That's encouraging news.
But I have to admit..I'm noticing better results as the cycle is coming to the end.
Thank you Novice......