how are you guys sure your powders are 100%


New member
i was just wondering, how you guys know your powders are 100% what they are suppost to be. I was thinking about researching and making my own test.
i have faith in my supplier, and periodically run melting point tests to make sure things are on the up & up.
well thats beyond me, i was thinking of making my own test but maybe ill just make my own tren and continue buying test. I wouldnt even know were to start and wouldnt always second guess where i was getting the test powder from. i just thought it would be hot to be able to try my own test.
most powders have unique qualities so they are easily ditinguished. deca is easy to reconize as is enan. eq is the easiest. tren ace has its own color while some of the bases are tougher to distinguish by sight and smell. for those MP is a simple enough test.
MP tests are as simple as sticking the powder in the oven and gradually increasing the temp to the "expected" range. Accurate stove/thermo required.
You basically have the same chance to get scammed regardless if it's powder or 'human grade', of course the difference is that if you get scammed with powders, the loss will be less because they are cheaper, and you can also do the melting point test.

As for checking human grade against pics, I've seen perfect fakes. You couldn't tell'em from the real thing and there was zero active ingredient in them.

Like ld50 implied, make sure you get a respected powder source and this will cut down on your chances of getting fakes, even moreso than a respected source for 'human gear'. Why? Because most of the respected sources are either getting the stuff directly from chemical companies or are second in line. Your 'human grade' source gets his anywhere he can, and even pharmacies get duped with fake gear.
I also was wanting to make my own test but I just dont know where to start. I've made my own tren but thats easy easy easy to get .
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well i have a respectable domestic source for my gear . i would like to maybe make my own test and tren for my next cycle.
especially tren cause i hear its much cheaper to make. test would be nice also but thats where you need a good source.