How can I beat my Pepsi/Coke cravings?

cold turkey.

keep water on hand and drink if you feel thirsty like you need a coke. eventually your cravings will go away.
Cold turkey is the way to go. Day 4 was by far the worst for me. I was addicted to dr pepper and quit over a year ago. I didn't have the discipline to taper off. It sucks for the first few days, but it's worth it.
The caffeine headaches suck, but when i Stopped i switched to coffee in the morning and tea throughout the day when water wasnt doing it for me. I made one of the half size arrowhead gallon jugs of tea and one with water and drank those all day to monitor my intake
Ya i have a hard time getting away from soda to. You can get your caffeine through coffee though, that should definitely help with the headaches too.
dump it on the roof of your car and come back in the morning that should take care of your craving for it, i havent had soda in 7 years other than with my jack daniels
theres alot of body builders that drink coffee before workouts for a boost of energy i guess, u could replace the pop with coffee, in moderation. 4 litres a day is bad for u , u should be drinking 4 litres of water a day. just my opinion tho.
Try to quit cold turkey buddy. If you taper down or set limits you are gonna start bargaining with yourself, "like oh I'll walk another mile" and then it turns into " I didn't have any this weekend so I can have two today".

After a while without pop you will be able to enjoy one and anymore than that will taste too sweet and the sticky nasty syrup will make you thirsty for water. It might be hard but just don't drink pop... it may be the very worst thing you can do diet wise.
Tried Diet Soda? 0.1% daily intake per can, pretty good.
Taste, Depends what you get..I like Diet Lemonade/Solo/Pepsi Max
Diet Coke is grose

they say that 0.1% of radiation is in coke and pepsi. It must be the aspartame inside those drink. I would stay away from aspartame look it up, it's some deadly shit.

Try Langers juices, No aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, or any other bullshit, just about 4-5 basic ingredients
In my case it's both the Caffeine and the Sugar that i craved for I used to drink over a gallon a day of this.

In the morning eat a apple, or organic fruit juice... if you feel the need for sugar have a fruit fruits are tons of sugar but still a healthier choice than cola.

As for the caffeine part stretch it as far as you can don't have any in the morning wait until in the afternoon...

I still get power crashes in the afternoon at between 4-5 I always get tired I solve that by having a banana and getting my as to the gym... it gets my blood moving and after the work out I'm just not tired not sleepy tired I'm just have sore muscles and can barely move but I always feel energetic up until my bedtime :)
It's good that you are cutting out sugared drinks, fact is they're load with calories. A can of Coke is about 150 Cals. If you had 2 cans of coke that's almost 300Cals. that's pretty much a calorie amount of a small meal.

If you had 4+ cans of coke during a course of a day(some people do drink this much soda, even more), would you cut out 1 or 2 meals during the day? obviously not, so all this soda is gonna do is create a huge calorie surplus in your daily calorie intake.

Because this is about loosing fat and not a discussion about the health affects about artificial sweeteners. I'd say Look for alternatives to sodas. Most preferably water. If you can't drink water I'ld recommend DIET SODAs if you go to your supermarket you'd find heaps of flavors: diet coke, coke zero, pepsi max, diet lemonade, diet ginger ale, etc, etc.

What i do for sugar cravings is i make my own lemonade with lemon juice+water+ stevia. and I eat heaps of diet jelly(jello). Sugar cravings for me was a psychological thing, so if ate a lot of diet products that tasted sweet it really helps the craving
switch to coffee! It doesn't taste good, but I've found its much cheaper, and it's nice to have it hot and ready when I wake out of bed, just set the programmer on the coffee maker.
Caffeine is an appetite suppressant. Personally I go with diet energy drinks. Monster absolute zero is amazing. 0 Cals, can't really go wrong. I've used these drinks to keep hunger at bay while losing 110lb.

And as for the sugar vs aspartame. I don't know what aspartame does, but I'm sure 60g of sugar per can is worse for the dieter.

Best of luck
Go to your local buffe and look at them obese peoples... Do you want to be like them? Just quit them shits and drink water.
switch to coffee! It doesn't taste good, but I've found its much cheaper, and it's nice to have it hot and ready when I wake out of bed, just set the programmer on the coffee maker.

WHAT!?? WHO says coffee doesn't taste good!?? lol

Def sounds like you are having caffeine withdrawals, replacing coke caffeine with coffee caffeine is prob not the best way to go. I think toughing it out for a few days with some headache meds (excedrine or tylenol) and lots of water to flush your system and you should be fine. :blue:
i quit drinking pepsi and coke about 8 years ago and havnt touched it since!! i drink water 24/7 and any flavoured juice i can find that tastes good

but i was always able to quit things just like that, smoked for years and one morning i said i had enough and never looked back also

ide suggestion having a bottle of water on you all the time and when your craving it take a zip of water so you get used to drinking it, your cravings will go away
Hey i use to drink a 1 can or 2 of that crap a day, switched to diet coke started to drink two 2liters a day of that crap screwed me up big time. finally i had enough, i downloaded a bunch of self hypnosis stuff. Hypnotized myself, i haven't had a craving for soda in two years!
I was drinking diet soda a long time before I became really committed to improving my health and physique.

And, when I decided diet soda wasn't even in my best interest, I stopped buying soda when I went grocery shopping. I went cold turkey.

I substituted it with coffee in the AM or pre workout. I drank green tea. And I drank lots and lots of water.

As time past, the craving faded away.
I never drink soda. I can't believe how people seem to have trouble going a day without 7 cans... lol

Seriously soda is pointless.

Drink coffee. It's good for you and will not make you a lardo

Diet soda is even worse hahaha It makes me laugh when I see a tubby drinking a diet soda explaining how healthy it is to me

I drink snapple once In a while(2-3x a week), it has pretty high sugar about 40g per 16oz bottle. Though there are no preservatives or artificial flavors so its pretty healthy.
But on the daily I consume 2 gallons of water. Coffee, Milk and orange juice are pretty much the only things I drink other than water.

It's funny I had 3 cousins brother and sisters and 2 of them drank soda every day and the 3rd one NEVER drank a soda. She was very skinny and always has been. She is the leanest and healthiest. The other 2 that drink soda are slightly overweight. They are not skinny at all. The diets of my cousins are pretty similar. They all eat the same stuff since they live together.

This just goes to show that drinking soda causes a maintenance in weight
or fat gain (mostly fat gain)
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i had the same problem giving up diet coke. then i found out how bad aspartame is for you so i switched back to regular coke. then i realized that the only real reason i drank soda was not for the taste but that cold carbonation fizz. so i started drinking carbonated water ..... drink coffee or 3 cups green tea per day to take care of the caffiene with drawl. and switch to soda water. you'll be solid.