How come its like this??


New member
Ok, making test enth, its crystal clear before I filter into my vials. But then after I filter into my vials its cloudy, WTF???
Any help guyz?
My vials are sterile cappe and visually clean for what thats worth.
Thanks all.
30 grms powder
2.4 ml Ba
93.6 ml GSO
OK so I did a second batch with a slightly diff reciepy and same dam thing.
The first couple of vials are cloudy but clear up if I rum them under hot water. As they cool they go cloudy again.
I did turn my burner down from 4 to 2 and after that they all stay clear.
Can someone solve this for me plz?

30 g powder
75.9 ml GSO
3.6 ml Ba
18 ml Bb
i dont know bro-mine stays clear, but i cook in oven

their is no need to use all EO either-especially with test e
rapid cool down? maybe its causing it to come out of solution? just a guess. thats pretty odd, ive never had that happen before.
It's only 300mg/ml, therefore I would assume the cloudiness is probably coming from water in the solution. Test E should not be crashing at 300mg/ml but because you speak about heating it and the cloudiness going away, which makes me think it may be crashing...
rapid cool down? maybe its causing it to come out of solution? just a guess. thats pretty odd, ive never had that happen before.

This is my guess too. Becouse when I turn the burner down from 4 to 2 the substance stays crystal clear. So my thoughts were rapid and too much cool down.
It's only 300mg/ml, therefore I would assume the cloudiness is probably coming from water in the solution. Test E should not be crashing at 300mg/ml but because you speak about heating it and the cloudiness going away, which makes me think it may be crashing...

But if this were the case wouldnt the entire batch be cloudy/milky?
When I heat the vials up I am not seeing anything but oil. I mean there is not any seperation like I am thinking there would be with water contamination. However with just a tiny bit of water in there I might not see that.
Also if it were crasing, again wouldnt it be the whole batch not just a few vials?
Not arguing and not contradicting, just want to learm bros:beertoast.
fillers in the powders? maybe low quality source?

Of course thats always possibel, but everything that I have gotten from them in the past has beeh excellent. Again I think if that were the case all my vials would be cloudy/milky.
Well doing more today. Gonna be sure to keep my burner at 2 or below. Also to try to salvage the cloudy/milky ones gonna uncap and add EO and refilter. Will keep you all posted.
Apparently it does make a difference as to how warm the substance is when I filter it. I used the setting 1 - 2 on my equipment and voila! PERFECT:dance2:
Simply golden delicious goodness:blue:
I was reasonably certian that my substance was not contaminated because I could watch it cloud up in the vials. So today I uncapped and just added to my new brew and its all PERFECT!!
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good to hear bro! sometimes all u gotta do is stand back and say to yourself "now where did i go wrong?". Its always a good feeling to resolve your own issues :basket: