How dangerous is it to take Horse steroids?


New member
I know of a guy that works in a vet clinic and has access to the powdered steroids that they use for horses. I was wondering how dangerous it would be taking this stuff, and how it would affect the body.
Many of the drugs you hear about on this site are originally made for vet use. Winstrol, equipoise and trenbolone to name a few. Most vet roids are made with less standards of product care, because they are meant to be administered on animals. Many companies have now began to make their own versions of the drug, but now they are making shure that all products are of the highest quality.
I know, but what im asking is that if i used the powder as it was, converted into injectables, would it be good to go, as its stuff that comes in 2lb tubs. I dont know the name of the product, but it seems that it would be harsh on the human body as it makes horses gain mass like nothing..
If you know what you are doing you can make some high quality gear for real cheap. Sounds like finaplex to me considering the harshness on the human body.
Well considering a horse takes about 50 times higher dosages than me and you it isnt so damn harsh afterall, the bottle which will last you a month will last a horse a day, its nothing to be worried about, besides steroids wouldnt be dosed at 250 mg/cc when a horse need like 2 kilos of the shit.
so what you are saying is that if i can get the horse powder, i can make some good stuff then? I think its trenbolenone(sp?) that it was. I am not exactly sure, but i have seen horses that hes put this stuff into and they get massive in no time
Commonly used steroids in the horse are dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, triamcinolone, prednisone, and others.
gymphreak said:
Commonly used steroids in the horse are dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, triamcinolone, prednisone, and others.

Only heard of one of those. And I'm not likely to start shooting up prednisone any time soon.
haha, im prolly gonna start using horse roids....after all, itll be the easiest shit i can get....prolly EQ or Tren...lening more to EQ stacked with test
uhh this doesnt sound to bright...

first find out what it ACTUALY is... then find out the quality... so you can decide your dosage... you dont wanna find out you were wrong the hard way.

just my .02
gymphreak said:
Commonly used steroids in the horse are dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, triamcinolone, prednisone, and others.

Those are all cortico don't want to use those. They are catabolic, rather than anabolic.
Vennom96 said:
Why would they make steroids that are catabolic??

Because they serve their purpose in others areas such as, allergies, severe inflammation, asthma, and blood disorders just to name a few.
seriously,I think you should just leave that shit alone and get some real gear made by a good manufacturer.Don't take a big chance just to save a couple of bucks.
gymphreak said:
Commonly used steroids in the horse are dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, triamcinolone, prednisone, and others.

Those are corticosteroids, not anabolics.