How do I count calories for maintenance or bulking?


Community Veteran
Here is a rule of thumb which actually is pretty close to MY Metabolism, for you it may not be true.

17.5 x bodyweight in pounds = maintenance

17.5 x 250 = 4375 calories, fairly close

21.5 x bodyweight in pounds = bulking

21.5 x 250 = 5375

This is 1000 calories higher, I would shoot for 500-750 if you are natural or trying to avoid fat gain, so perhaps you could go with 19 instead of 21.5 but again your metabolism and activity may vary.

I think I may make up an Excel chart and plot out maintenance caloric totals, for me it would be pretty nifty and a curiosity for sure.
Good post Mudge,I have a question though.I have about 6 weeks left on my diet(cutting),I have been dropping carbs every few weeks as I progress.The diet is going great,I have lost 4 inches on my waist in the last 6 weeks,I have another 6 weeks to go.I would like to lose another 2 inches wich would put me at 31 inches.Once I get to the end of the diet,I want to start adding muscle back without gaining any fat,I figure I will start adding calories back in the form of low GI carbs.How much should I add at a time,200 calories a week until I get my calories where they need to be?I don't want to do anything too drastic that will cause fat to come back.
ROAD DOG said:
How much should I add at a time,200 calories a week until I get my calories where they need to be?

If you are worried about fat gain I would stay under 500 additional calories per day.

rpny, the number is just a number. Looking closer at my diet my maintenance is about 19x bodyweight. Now if bodyfat percentage changes then so does this number, because fat doesn't take much to sustain itself, where muscle eats about 70-100 calories per day, per pound - does this take water weight into consideration I dont know, the muscle is about 70% water so this is a bit of a big ???

The number though is handy if you want to cut or bulk, if you are doing so slowly and naturally especially. A very minor change in calories going by this figure will leave a ~300 calorie spread meaning a difference of some 15 pounds for me.

4465 calories for 235 pounds
4750 calories for 250 pounds

If your diet is yo-yoing through the week then you would need to average by the week or make your diet more regular (same foods at the same time of day etc).