How do I pin this Mast Enth/Prop blend?


I am banned!
I've started a new blast and got some Genza mast 200 and its 150mg enth and 50mg prop per ML. What if I did 1ml monday wednesday and friday, would that be ok? I'm also doing 100mg tren ace ED and 250mg test enth/week.

Never used blends with different esters so it got me a bit confused... thanks in advance guys
I use mast at 700mg ew minimum. Figure out how much you want to use and inject 2x a week.

You don't need to be concerned about low estro.

I would use 1.5ml 2x a week.

Next time don't buy blends.
I can't understand why they would give you a stack with test prop and mast e.

I like to control my stack. When I run mast I use a bare minimum of test, usually 150mg a week to keep water retention down. Myself, I don't need an AI on that dose of test. Some do and that's why I never recommend ugl blends.

The idea is to cut and throwing too much test in doesn't work for a lot of guys.

So if you are pron to e2 sides even at a low dose of test, go very lightly with an AI. You may even consider a serm.
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I can't understand why they would give you a stack with test prop and mast e.

I like to control my stack. When I run mast I use a bare minimum of test, usually 150mg a week to keep water retention down. Myself, I don't need an AI on that dose of test. Some do and that's why I never recommend ugl blends.

The idea is to cut and throwing too much test in doesn't work for a lot of guys.

So if you are pron to e2 sides even at a low dose of test, go very lightly with an AI. You may even consider a serm.

Its not test... Its a combo blend of shot/long ester Mast...

TO the OP:
I was never a blend guy myself,never liked them, until this past summer I ran some blends and one of them was tren ace/e mix...Blends can be have their limitations (site irritation,injection frequency,TIMING), however there's great convenience as well (always a trade off)..

I ran mine EOD, and the synergistic between the both was outstanding,each ester complimenting one an other..One working front lines hitting hard, as the other was in the trenches with long stability providing assistance.. Once again my faith has been restored in blends, they can serve a great purpose depending on the individuals and his/her goals..

EOD at 1 mL is sufficient enough, the prop will be metabolized fast, as the Eneth is building, believe it or not as the weeks pass you will be metabolizing the prior weeks Eneth as you continue with your current injections, this will build a high concentration and before you know it, you can have a considerable amount avail in the blood (even more in your favor so you really wont need more then 1mL EOD)..

Just time your injections, this is very crucial.... (I hope you have Test in there at 150-250 min EW)

Good luck!
Its not test... Its a combo blend of shot/long ester Mast...

TO the OP:
I was never a blend guy myself,never liked them, until this past summer I ran some blends and one of them was tren ace/e mix...Blends can be have their limitations (site irritation,injection frequency,TIMING), however there's great convenience as well (always a trade off)..

I ran mine EOD, and the synergistic between the both was outstanding,each ester complimenting one an other..One working front lines hitting hard, as the other was in the trenches with long stability providing assistance.. Once again my faith has been restored in blends, they can serve a great purpose depending on the individuals and his/her goals..

EOD at 1 mL is sufficient enough, the prop will be metabolized fast, as the Eneth is building, believe it or not as the weeks pass you will be metabolizing the prior weeks Eneth as you continue with your current injections, this will build a high concentration and before you know it, you can have a considerable amount avail in the blood (even more in your favor so you really wont need more then 1mL EOD)..

Just time your injections, this is very crucial.... (I hope you have Test in there at 150-250 min EW)

Good luck!
thanks for that. and yeah of course, as stated in my post my test is at 250 a week (test cyp), 125 2x a week mondays and thursdays. i've said it before and i'll say it again, when i am running tren at a dose like 700mg a week i see absolutely no point in running high test. running high test with compunds like tren and mast will only make you look like shit and fuck up your lines
Thanks for pointing that out. My mistake.

On that note, I prefer one or the other. Test e with test prop isn't something I have ever been big on.
And when cutting it seems like the best results are with short release esters:)

In this case use test e with your stack op.
Try using 125mg test. You will get better results.

Sorry about misreading your post brother, but keep test at a lower dose.

I'm using my trt dosage of test, 125mgew. And injecting mast prop at 300mg eod. I'm not losing much sterngth off my bulk.

Again, my apologies for not reading your post more carefully:)

Stick with the dosage I did suggest earlier. I have been using aas for almost 25 years. 600-700 is ideal.
Good luck.
thanks for that. and yeah of course, as stated in my post my test is at 250 a week (test cyp), 125 2x a week mondays and thursdays. i've said it before and i'll say it again, when i am running tren at a dose like 700mg a week i see absolutely no point in running high test. running high test with compunds like tren and mast will only make you look like shit and fuck up your lines

I agree with your stance on the test/tren ratio..Especially when your running multi compounds..

Considering the fact that your on 250 of test EW, 700 of tren, thats already a great state your in,and adding a DHT (mast 1mL EOD - 600 )to the mix, yielding 1,550 mgs a week of andros will create a lot of activity in the andro receptors.. 1mL EOD of the mast is more then enough man..
The mast will really assist with and tren sides, by improving the pathways and signaling within the neurotransmitters much like proviron does (they share much of the same targeting properties)..

Keep this simple, you have more then enough compounds creating a lot of noise,especially with the thermogenic properties with tren..If your diet is dialed in, this can be a great lean mass combo..
I agree with your stance on the test/tren ratio..Especially when your running multi compounds..

Considering the fact that your on 250 of test EW, 700 of tren, thats already a great state your in,and adding a DHT (mast 1mL EOD - 600 )to the mix, yielding 1,550 mgs a week of andros will create a lot of activity in the andro receptors.. 1mL EOD of the mast is more then enough man..
The mast will really assist with and tren sides, by improving the pathways and signaling within the neurotransmitters much like proviron does (they share much of the same targeting properties)..

Keep this simple, you have more then enough compounds creating a lot of noise,especially with the thermogenic properties with tren..If your diet is dialed in, this can be a great lean mass combo..

He is using mast not tren brother. To cut on mast, i think he could drop test to 125mg ew. No need for it. Its not going to be a great difference in result, but if he has his bf% down, why not let the mast work its magic without extra or e2 from test. 125 is good for estro.
He is using mast not tren brother. To cut on mast, i think he could drop test to 125mg ew. No need for it. Its not going to be a great difference in result, but if he has his bf% down, why not let the mast work its magic without extra or e2 from test. 125 is good for estro.

I would never disagree with 125 of test, in fact I often advocated it (125-250)... so I do not disagree with that suggestion but in regards to his other compounds he's merely implementing the addition of mast to his current protocol, running it concurrently with tren...
And I agree my man he should simply keep this estrogen low as possible, he does not need it in circulation with the possibility of elevated progestin
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