Its not test... Its a combo blend of shot/long ester Mast...
TO the OP:
I was never a blend guy myself,never liked them, until this past summer I ran some blends and one of them was tren ace/e mix...Blends can be have their limitations (site irritation,injection frequency,TIMING), however there's great convenience as well (always a trade off)..
I ran mine EOD, and the synergistic between the both was outstanding,each ester complimenting one an other..One working front lines hitting hard, as the other was in the trenches with long stability providing assistance.. Once again my faith has been restored in blends, they can serve a great purpose depending on the individuals and his/her goals..
EOD at 1 mL is sufficient enough, the prop will be metabolized fast, as the Eneth is building, believe it or not as the weeks pass you will be metabolizing the prior weeks Eneth as you continue with your current injections, this will build a high concentration and before you know it, you can have a considerable amount avail in the blood (even more in your favor so you really wont need more then 1mL EOD)..
Just time your injections, this is very crucial.... (I hope you have Test in there at 150-250 min EW)
Good luck!