How do steroids affect your personality?

I read on another site that Case reports and small studies indicate that anabolic steroids increase irritability and aggression, although findings may be confounded by personality traits that are overrepresented in steroid users (i.e., antisocial, borderline, and histrionic personality disorder) and use of other drugs. People who misuse anabolic steroids report more anger than nonusers, as well as more fights, verbal aggression, and violence toward their significant others, sometimes called "roid rage." One study suggests that the mood and behavioral effects seen during anabolic-androgenic steroid misuse may result from secondary hormonal changes.
Me on TRT: I became more honest, straightforward, more emotional-if somebody pisses me off, it doesnt end well. I broke all my connections with family, because we didnt get along in the first place. On the other hand, some days i feel really good, most days i feel normal and work office job, interact with people normally. I enjoy interactions with women, less with men, because i think they feel a bit endangered, because more muscle etc.. Only if a woman is difficult, which rarely, i ignore her.

Generally, i feel good. But human interactions can be difficult sometimes. It happens to everyone, not just people on steroids. I think its very important what kind of people you are surrounded by(spouse, family, etc..) Usually if they are good people and easy going, supportive, without big problems, that will project on you and you will be fine too. I have a friend who takes a ton of tren and test, and he never has any problems.

I think you have to take a ton of gear, in order for it to have a strong negative effect on you psychologically. Psychology, and where you are generally in life, also your history, plays a big role.

So i think your genetics and people that surround you, are the two biggest factors how you handle it.

But it doesnt mean, if you stop steroids, or never take them, then you wont have problems. No, doesnt work that way.

My 0.2c
brother if you have had doubts about how big you are surrounded by Americans at your weight of 265, you should visit Mexico or any central american country, you will be certainly be the largest there surrounded by 5 foot 6" tall people. or even better visit asia where people are 5 foot 4'' and under. you will be the talk of the town brotherman.

Lmaoooooo I would look like a giant in Asia.
so tren and alcohol then is a big no no. id hate to see someone who is a jerk by nature on tren and booze at the same time. wow.
thats funny about someone who has pinned testosterone for the first time act tough and on top of the world.
the placebo effect.
i guess guys like that have watched too many van diesel films, and too many heeman cartoons growing up.
its a sick world out there folks.

Bro, no joke I actually knew a couple people that got like that after their first pin. I***8217;m sure you can imagine how they were by their third and fourth pin. The one guy was one of those small guys with little man syndrome and he thought he was he man. Retard man was more like it.
Bro, no joke I actually knew a couple people that got like that after their first pin. I***8217;m sure you can imagine how they were by their third and fourth pin. The one guy was one of those small guys with little man syndrome and he thought he was he man. Retard man was more like it.

guys like that must be fun to watch when they are in a bar or nightclub acting tough to impress the ladies.
i wonder what movies have an effect on steroid users. people like van diesel, many subsconsciencely think, "how did he get so big" so they follow his lead down the rabbit hole.
wow, thats an everyday occurance with many who do not even do gear, i think its called pride.
id hate to see thosee types on gear then.

pride gets swelled up with many i have seen in my travels. Most think they are better than those whose country they are visiting.
and as always, pride cometh before the fall.
I don't like who I become on a test based cycle. I'm in my 50s, trained for 40 years and am currently training more and more calisthenics. Last cycle I actually enjoyed was a year ago - tbol alone, 40 - 80 mg 8 weeks. Nice little body recomp without affecting my personality, sex life or subjecting those around me to any testbased shortness of temper etc. The small gains, improved recovery and weightloss easily outweigh the sides associated with a full on test based cycle and its potential for long term health issues. I think I'm a naturally aggressive person anyway, so test just amplifies that, not in a good way.
Make no mistake, whether you notice it or not, Androgens have a powerful effect on your CNS, NT levels etc. but like anything there is a ceiling.

Obviously Test has been the most studied/understood and commercialized from low to high, from poor sense of well-being/depression all the way to elevated mood, positive mind set etc.
-As androgen levels become supraphys, at some point there seems to be a depressive effect of serotonin level, elevation of Dopamine and NEpi. This leads to decreased emotionality in general ("less sensitivity), increase in goal oriented behaviors and drive, mild anxiety, lower emotional inhibition (inc reactivity), even sleep stage changes.
-now other AAS all have a different profile with different binding COefficients in the CNS and thus what and when certain effects happen..Tren being 5x more androgenic than T (atleast on paper) as well as many other difference you can more readily see increased aggression, anxiety, poor sleep, hightened arousal even paranoia..
like anything, people have different sensitivities neurologically. Now with this latest animal model research of changes in the actual HISTOlogy of the brain is concerning,
-I personally definitely notice large difference between compounds emotionally..and they have become more noticable as ive gotten older*

lastly 90% of the guys i know taking steriods if i pointed them out to a women and said "he takes xyz steriods".. she would say "im not sure he even works out"
SOO if people are taking it for "glory or to be worshipped" LOL i think they will be very disappointed

Best, MuscleMedMD

ps. I use them bc I LOVE BBing! it is perfect for someone who is extreme, intense, dedicated + the science and understanding Biology is unique/interesting!
I think the paranoia and road rage thing is true for some that are already assholes or paranoid people already and I also think part of it is psychosomatic. I have literally seen people the day after doing their first shot ever running around acting all tough and getting heated over nothing. I would just laugh to myself and think wow this guys a fruitcake and actually believes it is the gear making him act like that.

Now on higher doses of tren all bets are off, I have been fine and felt great while on it and other times I would be such an asshole I could not stand myself. Traffic would make me so pissed.

I am pinning 450 miggs a week of a Tri Tren now and I feel great. But Tren is the only one that I myself get irritated on at times and have seen people outright scary on it. I have a buddy I grew up with was fine on all other gear and he started pinning Tren and he beat the shit out of his woman. He went away for years over it.

I agree with you 100% on the tren. I cannot stand the sides and my wife says I rage constantly on it. She didnt realize I was on it, but just knew I was miserable.haha Anyway, as an EQ lover for years, it can also sneak up on you as far as short temper and moods. A good friend of mine at a local horse race track was shoeing a race horse that was on EQ and the horse almost ripped his ear off with a bite. That was the first time I have ever seen anyone flat out hit a horse with a right hook.He actually staggered the horse. All I will say is that that horse was worth more than my house so the story was kept on the down low. That horse was juiced up on EQ and a little bit of winstrol. Considering they give Eq to race horses to make them more aggressive, and increase their appetite, I am not surprised when I hear of people losing their shit while on
I agree with you 100% on the tren. I cannot stand the sides and my wife says I rage constantly on it. She didnt realize I was on it, but just knew I was miserable.haha Anyway, as an EQ lover for years, it can also sneak up on you as far as short temper and moods. A good friend of mine at a local horse race track was shoeing a race horse that was on EQ and the horse almost ripped his ear off with a bite. That was the first time I have ever seen anyone flat out hit a horse with a right hook.He actually staggered the horse. All I will say is that that horse was worth more than my house so the story was kept on the down low. That horse was juiced up on EQ and a little bit of winstrol. Considering they give Eq to race horses to make them more aggressive, and increase their appetite, I am not surprised when I hear of people losing their shit while on

wow, that must of been some left hook. i would love to see a video of that! :naughty:
on just testosterone my mood is generally pretty good

possibly because I let my estrogen get pretty high

rather than take the arimidex that I ought to

now on the stacks on the other hand things have occasionally gotten heated

masteron anavar winstrol types

but the Anabol (dbol) still keeps me pretty mellow
wow, thats an everyday occurance with many who do not even do gear, i think its called pride.
id hate to see thosee types on gear then.

that happens all over the states. and yes id hate to see those type of people on gear. i think the wrestling world is a good example of this even though they are acting behind the scenes they are like this. sad sad world we are living in brothers.