iM curious, steroids alter the way you act sexually I find. Im curious how do you guys go about sexually on cycle. For example.
Are you more tempted to cheat? Look more at other women? Find ugly women attractive?
Im feeling pretty bad, when I was on cycle even talking to girls on facebook and having a convo would turn me on. Did it on my last cycle, feeling like ive cheated basically coz I struck up a convo with a girl from work, hot as fuck. YES I know I haven't actually cheated just feels wrong. Because my next step may have been asking her to meet up. Coz I have a feeling shes into me and has been for a few years, but I have a girlfriend and can clearly see that in my display picture lol. But still even talking to girls on facebook or batting off over there pics was for me.
What about you guys? Be honest. On cycle have you ever been close to cheating?
Are you more tempted to cheat? Look more at other women? Find ugly women attractive?
Im feeling pretty bad, when I was on cycle even talking to girls on facebook and having a convo would turn me on. Did it on my last cycle, feeling like ive cheated basically coz I struck up a convo with a girl from work, hot as fuck. YES I know I haven't actually cheated just feels wrong. Because my next step may have been asking her to meet up. Coz I have a feeling shes into me and has been for a few years, but I have a girlfriend and can clearly see that in my display picture lol. But still even talking to girls on facebook or batting off over there pics was for me.
What about you guys? Be honest. On cycle have you ever been close to cheating?