How do you hide your gains (if necessary of course)?


New member
In my profession drug use of any sort is out of the question. Steroids only strengthen our abilities but I don't forsee my peers or myself ever being in a scenario where or superiors will say "juice up"! Because of this, I have to hide my gains so others will not catch on to my AAS usage.

For example- when I move to other areas, cities or work environments I always tell my coworkers and superiors that I am a diehard bodybuilder with a sports nutrition background. A lot of time this opens up the door to diet questions and even supplement useage.

I say I eat like a monster and give a short list of stats.. "I eat 9 lbs of chicken a week, 14 cups of broccoli, 7 cups of carrots, 21 cups of rice, 5 apples and 5 bananas and of course 2 gallons of water".

This typically leaves the average Joe thinking 'DAMN that's a lot of food. Which I always reply with, "that's bulking".

I also buy clothes a size larger and at the beginning of my cycle I will wear smaller or tighter sized clothes to appear larger.

These are two of my examples, what are yours :)

And PLEASE don't say, "I don't hide it" because not all of us can afford to be open about our AAS useage.
Baggy clothes (I never was really into tighter fitting stuff anyways). But also talking about diet and time spent prepping food weekly gives someone an insight as to why we are gaining size. Where its hard to hide is in the gym training. You can only bullshit a 50lb PR so many times!
I literally tell everyone it's diet and that I hired a nutritionist that helps me put on size. No other methods
Baggy clothes (I never was really into tighter fitting stuff anyways). But also talking about diet and time spent prepping food weekly gives someone an insight as to why we are gaining size. Where its hard to hide is in the gym training. You can only bullshit a 50lb PR so many times!

Or when you pick up the 150lb dumbbells and rep out a few without a spot lol. People always look.
It's mainly the regulars at the gym that I know that saw what I was lifting a few months ago and now are like wtf? That and delt roundness is always a dead giveaway to those who are used to seeing you. That's always the first sign of AAS use is delts start to round out and are much more pronounced AKA permanent delt pump.
Lol, this is why I started this thread. This is very true. My forearms are another muscle that gets a lot bigger , especially on dbol.
I wear 2x shirts even to the gym. When I see friends that I haven't been in contact with for awhile one commented that I've leaned out AND put on size. I just reply something about cardio and lifting consistently finally
For a while I would blame it on good genetics and a good diet. But that can only take you so far especially because in reality I don't have very good genetics. Now I wear only baggy clothing and just try to avoid those conversations. I'm not a very out going person generally so I don't get involved in those conversations generally but when it happens I explain my diet and training routines and don't normally bring up supplements I'm general to avoid it.

Wearing sweatshirts to the gym or long sleeves that are baggy help conceal it mostly. I wish I was in a position I didn't have to hide it because I know people who want to use that probably won't do it correctly but it's hard to either help them and then they know I do it or just ignore there ignorance.
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Off cycle I'm usually nice about replying to people when they try talking to me between sets. But the annoying guys that try and talk to me during cycle will get ignored or I'll tell them "can't talk buddy, short rest periods". I'm far too outgoing and I can't afford to slip up so I just avoid conversation all together.
I wear 2x shirts even to the gym. When I see friends that I haven't been in contact with for awhile one commented that I've leaned out AND put on size. I just reply something about cardio and lifting consistently finally

And honestly I hate wearing extra clothes but when I wear a tank top or tighter shirt I find myself looking in the mirror or flexing and that's a awesome way to stand out. It's tough being a lion amongst sheep ;)
Protein and creatine - LOTS OF IT! :D

Plus my testosterone is naturally very high - especially for my age.
I'm confused.. it's illegal to use in your profession and your asking for the ways other people cover up their own use?

I don't get why you guys worry about what other people at your gym think, say, or assume about any of you to the point you think of lies to cover it up....

The people in the know, will always know, who are you shitting? And the people who don't use regardless of what you say will still accuse you , and that's if your physique is even to the point of saying "lies he's on roids!" Type shit you hear on youtube or forums. .. i mean the majority of people believe Jeff Seid and tons of these fake natties you see are natty....

This thread is really for conversation but yes it is illegal to use in my profession. I am curious as to how others justify large jumps in size or clearly unnatural physiques. I'm certainly not afraid or worried about others opinions but I do have to be intelligent about my appearance. Perception is everything
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Crown, they dont test for it in the military for a reason; it's expensive, and unnecessary to discourage something that will make their soldiers bigger, faster, and stronger!

I've got plenty of friends who do steroids and are in the service. I don't think it's much of a concern for anyone in any position and any rank. But, obviously you wouldn't go around bragging or telling someone about your usage.

My opinion of course.

Only way someone can hide their size if they are truly large, is to either visit people often enough they don't notice your growth, or wait until it's been so long you can semi-justify that you've been training and eating your ass off the entire time.. otherwise it's not going to be possible. When an individual goes from a medium shirt to an extra large.. people will notice. I'm coming from a small in high school to pushing out of my large shirts I bought a month ago.. everyone can tell to an extent. Some just believe it can be done all natural and others know otherwise.

I say, embrace it with those who know and indulge themselves, and pass-off the diet and training story to the people who have no idea about the subject.
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I'll admit use of anabolics to a select few. And while I don't flaunt my size, some will always wonder, assume, even accuse. But, the fewer that really KNOW, the better off I am.

You never know when an undercover cop is listening around the corner, or some moron you just started lifting with gets diarrhia of the mouth.
I'm confused.. it's illegal to use in your profession and your asking for the ways other people cover up their own use?

I don't get why you guys worry about what other people at your gym think, say, or assume about any of you to the point you think of lies to cover it up....

The people in the know, will always know, who are you shitting? And the people who don't use regardless of what you say will still accuse you , and that's if your physique is even to the point of saying "lies he's on roids!" Type shit you hear on youtube or forums. .. i mean the majority of people believe Jeff Seid and tons of these fake natties you see are natty....
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I'll admit use of anabolics to a select few. And while I don't flaunt my size, some will always wonder, assume, even accuse. But, the fewer that really KNOW, the better off I am.

You never know when an undercover cop is listening around the corner, or some moron you just started lifting with gets diarrhia of the mouth.

The cop scenario def scares me.